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Do you think for yourself, go your own way, do whatever you choose, when YOU choose?
Or do you meekly wait for permission from some robotic drone of the government to tell you what you're allowed to do?

Still not sure? OK then -

    If you believe in the Constitution; Bill of Rights; sovereignty of this nation, individual states and the individual; that we should pull out of the U.N. and it's enforcement arm, NATO; that the Second Amendment means exactly what it says, not what some Harvard professor says it should (to appease some politician or bureaucrat intent upon making you a subject instead of a citizen); that government has no business trying to control educational curriculum in any manner, public or private, much less change history to fit their agenda; that you have the right to pursue your goals without government intervention, as long as you respect the rights, property and freedom of others; that you bear sole responsibility for your actions in everything you do, regardless of how stupid any of your actions may prove to be, e.g., hot coffee in your lap because you took the lid off the container in a moving vehicle; that a sworn oath is something to be taken seriously and lived up to; that lying in any form is wrong; that you are responsible for and capable of making decisions on your own that will affect the welfare of you and yours, without some government agency sticking their nose into your business; if you believe in all/any of the above, then sit down and prepare for the shock of your life!
Welcome friend, you think like one of us the media has done their best to brand as "dangerous to society," a freeman.  Contrary to the media's propaganda, freeman have no desire to "overthrow" the government, only to bring it back to the people where it was intended. If getting government back in the hands of the people means armed conflict, then so be it, but government will start it, not us! Keep in mind tho, this may include your next door neighbor who is a cop, member of the military or reserve and brainwashed to be more concerned with "following orders" and their status quo than individual freedom, including theirs. Admittedly since 9-11-01 the excuse for government has taken a number of steps towards initiation of such conflict using a variation of their bogus so-called war excuse, this time called "the war on terrorism" that more honestly should include them also! If you agree with anything mentioned above, then you definitely are NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT, nor government approved!
    Freedom does not come without a price, but that price is well worth what results. It has been said: "If you're willing to give up freedom for false security, you don't deserve either!" My own added feeling is: "If you can't find it within yourself to get involved in the fight to keep our freedoms and rights (every little bit of individual effort helps) you don't deserve them then either. If you can't be bothered and would rather be politically correct, (it's still your free choice) for my money you're as much the enemy as what presently passes itself off as government, and right now that form of government IS an enemy. It's true, when citizens fear the government, it's no longer their government." When government fears an armed citizenry, this excuse for government has been full of such daily increasing fear for over a quarter century now, that's further proof the government definitely no longer belongs to those people.

Ruffled your feathers? Truth sometimes is very hard to swallow. What you've been told all your life about some things, only to find out you've been lied to continually by those you've placed your trust in, that's a damned bitter pill to swallow. It's not too late to regain what we've blindly given with that trust, but the time to act is NOW! I personally believe the system is broken beyond being viable to accomplish the changes necessary to continue as free people, but getting involved at local levels is a start, besides building contacts with others to join forces with when things come apart at the seams. Like attempting gun confiscation, I don't think it's a question of "if," but "when."

I hate how this phrase has been abused (before government replaced it with their "war on..." excuses) but it properly fits in this case: "Do it for the children!" They're the ones we're turning our backs on by not stopping the globalists and NWO types now. It's surprising how many of them realize what's happening, and fear it, more so than their parents. Get involved!
Don't be fooled by imitations, some clean history and cookies, but there's ONLY ONE you can count on.

Sept. 18, 2010