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Save 4 million acres of wilderness... before it's too late!

Kathy Kilmer, The Wilderness Society

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We are on the verge of getting this 111th Congress to act on these bills before they recess in October. Will you help?

Write your representatives TODAY and urge them to pass these bills that would do so much to protect America's natural heritage.

If Congress doesn't act before the October 8 recess, the future of these bills - some of which took years to create - is very uncertain. There's simply no way of knowing whether the new Congress to be sworn in in January will put wilderness protection first or let it languish.

That's why it's so important that we don't let this historic opportunity pass us by.

From the quiet woodland coves of Tennessee to the spectacular wilderness of the Boulder White Clouds in Idaho and the San Juan Mountains of Colorado, much of America's natural heritage is at risk.

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One of the bills waiting to be passed, the San Juan Mountains Wilderness Act, would protect more than 60,000 acres of public lands in southwestern Colorado. This remarkable landscape boasts mountains, lakes and canyons alike, and is home to elk, black bears and mountain lions. All of the lands in these 20 bills are equally special in their own unique ways. To let these iconic wilderness areas slip away because of politics is inexcusable.

Act now to protect the fate of our magnificent wild places before it's too late.

Our opportunity to take action is rapidly disappearing and with it a chance to protect nearly 4 million acres of wildlands across a dozen states. There's simply no way to predict if the next Congress will make protecting our country's natural heritage a priority, and I, for one, am not willing to risk it.

Please join me in calling on this Congress to protect nearly 4 million acres of American wildlands.

This is truly a historic opportunity. Thank you for being a part of it.


Kathy Kilmer

The Wilderness Society

P.S. We need all the help we can get to keep the pressure on Congress to act on these twenty wild land protection bills. Donate now to help fund our efforts and help us protect nearly four million acres of spectacular wilderness!

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.The Wilderness Society's mission is to protect wilderness and inspire Americans to care for our wild places. As a subscriber to WildAlert, you join more than 500,000 Wilderness Society members and supporters in protecting and restoring America's wild places

Time is running out to pass wildland protection bills amounting to nearly 4 million acres.

Tell your representatives to complete the unfinished business of wilderness protection, before they leave on October recess!

----- Original Message -----
From: Kathy Kilmer, The Wilderness Society
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 7:42 AM
Subject: Save 4 million acres of wilderness... before it's too late!