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Statement on LTC Lakin Courts Martial On behalf of the members of The Veterans Council

Carol Swensson

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Harry Riley, Col (Ret), US Army

Carmen A. Reynolds, Lt Col (Ret), USAF

Debra A. Gunnoe, Lt Col (Ret), USAF

Greg Hollister, Lt Col (Ret), USAF

William Harker, Cmdr (Ret), USN

Bill Little, Cmdr (Ret), USN

John Johnson, 1st Lt (Ret), USAF

Luther B. Neff, Capt (Ret), USAF

Michael A. Trudell, Capt (Ret), USN

Fred Herndon, Capt (Ret), USAF

The United States Patriots Union, LLC

Sheridan, Wyoming

Public Release: September 14, 2010

The United States Patriots Union has been formed to represent the more than 70% of patriotic Americans who believe that this nation is headed in the wrong direction, who oppose the Obama administrationâ?Ts policies and make up the 89% of Americans who think every member of congress should be fired.

We have come together to form a Veterans Council within The United States Patriots Union, for the purpose of unifying veterans all over the country in an organized effort to address all issues of great and ongoing concern to the veterans community.

We plan to address many different issues from this council looking forward, not the least of which is proper representation and defense of our men and women in uniform, those who have served with honor and distinction, and the families who have endured great sacrifices on behalf of freedom and liberty for all these many years.

Todayâ?Ts statement relates specifically to the ongoing courts-martial of Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin.

September 3, 2010 - Upon receiving word that LTC Lakin would be denied any and all access to discovery and mitigating evidence needed to provide for a legitimate defense, a White Paper was prepared and released by The United States Patriots Union and The United States Bar Association, advising the Lakin defense team to immediately adjust its defense strategy in accordance with established history and law concerning Mr. Barack Obamaâ?Ts constitutional authority as Commander-in-Chief. In short, to drop the search for an insignificant birth certificate and focus on the right question at hand.

We believe that there are only two potential outcomes of this courts-martial, and that both outcomes bring certain challenges. Our first priority must be to unite in defense of LTC Lakin in an effort to arrive at the best possible outcome for both Lakin and the nation.

1. LTC Lakin is found GUILTY of wrongfully refusing orders. With this outcome we get the following precedents.

a) Anyone, without so much as a birth certificate, can hold the office of President and Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Military.

b) ALL soldiers must blindly follow orders whether or not those orders are legal.

c) Not even a high ranking officer has the right to challenge the lawfulness of the orders.

2. LTC Lakin is found NOT GUILTY of wrongfully refusing orders, as Barack Obamaâ?Ts illegitimacy is confirmed, in which case the following precedents have been established.

a) Every soldier must make the same decision Lakin made, to follow or not to follow an illegal command.

b) The military chain of command is broken at the top of the chain.

c) Obama must be removed from office and there is no one in the normal line of succession to the Oval Office who can replace him, as they were all complicit in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.

We believe that whether LTC Lakin is found guilty or not guilty in his courts-martial, our nation is in a full scale national security crisis. This cannot be avoided by simply brushing the Lakin situation under the carpet as if the legitimacy of this administration and command has not been properly and repeatedly challenged.

The current Lakin defense strategy is limited to an ongoing search for a missing birth certificate that is of no real consequence, and they have been denied discovery access to any of Obama records, as well as anyone who has had access to those records. There is no defense for Lakin on this basis.

The Veterans Council of the United States Patriots Union has decided not to let LTC Lakin face these charges alone, without a proper defense. Following this statement, a 2nd White Paper concerning the Lakin courts-martial is being released. (Included below)

It is our opinion that the existing legal team representing LTC Lakin should be re-energized and reinforced immediately by a more experienced military legal team. We hope to offer the Lakin defense team additional legal talent that we believe will lead to a positive outcome for LTC Lakin, his family and our national security interests.

We are very concerned that continuing with the current defense strategy, the search for a birth certificate, will likely end in the wrongful conviction of LTC Lakin, establishing a horrific and unnecessary precedent in the Courts-Martial system of the US Military, as described above. We feel obligated to do all that we can to avoid this outcome.

In an effort to support and assist the Lakin Team, The Veterans Council of the United States Patriots Union has worked to make available the best possible legal defense team capable of and willing to assist with the Lakin courts-martial defense.

We recognize that defense strategy decisions are ultimately in the hands of LTC Lakin. We hereby call upon the Lakin defense team to alter the defense strategy and to accept the assistance of additional defense counsel, which would lend its leadership to the case on behalf of LTC Lakin, the Armed Forces and the people of the United States of America.

We call upon patriots to engage and support this vital Veterans Council initiative by joining The United States Patriots Union. Veterans who wish to directly engage with and participate in The Veterans Council should apply to that division, once a member of USPU. A special defense fund may be established within the Veterans Council. The place for veterans to be heard is here, and the time is now.

It is imperative that all veterans support us now, by joining this effort within the Veterans Division of The United States Patriots Union.

Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely (Ret.) of the USPU Veterans Council can be reached at 406-249-1091 for further comment.

The Veterans Council

The United States Patriots Union, LLC

Sheridan, Wyoming

Researched and Reviewed By

The United States Bar Association

Sept. 17, 2010