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Stop Cruel and Ineffective Poisoning

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Dear Carolyn Rose,
Should the federal government be in the business of killing animals with your tax dollars? Shockingly, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services program still uses highly toxic poisons to kill tens of thousands of animals each year. These poisons -- M-44 cyanide devices and the Compound 1080 toxic collar -- are so deadly that the FBI recently listed them as "highly toxic pesticides judged most likely to be used by terrorists or for malicious intent." These cruel and indiscriminate poisons kill wildlife and family pets, and even threaten human safety.
Please add your voice to ours. Urge USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack to stop the use of these terrible toxins, and move his agency toward non-lethal methods that are safer, more effective, less expensive, and more humane. Thank you for taking action for animals.
Wayne Pacelle
Wayne Pacelle, President & CEO humane society
Peace Hugs and Purrs,

carolyn rose goyda

Missouri, USA

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