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Harry Reid Using U.S. Military as Pawns to Pass Amnesty

Grassfire Nation News Update

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Dirty Harry is at it again...

Desperate to be re-elected, the Senate Majority leader is attempting to cull the Hispanic vote by ramming a piece-meal amnesty plan through the Senate...

Even worse, he's using the brave men and women of our U.S. military as pawns in his dishonest amnesty game!

            Multiple sources are reporting that by

            attaching the Dream Act (a bill granting

            amnesty to illegals who have either graduated

            from high school, earned their GED, or served

            in the military) to the defense reauthorization

            bill as soon as today - Reid is betting that

            Republicans will not oppose a bill that funds

            the troops.

            This is a despicable attempt by a self-obsessed

            man vacant of any integrity -- desperate and willing

            to do whatever necessary to hold on to his job.

 Pro-amnesty groups are calling Reid's plan "an important stepping stone to comprehensive immigration reform."

+ + Dream Act Vote NEXT WEEK

Reid has little time to execute his deceptive plan, and in fact, is pressing hard for a vote as soon as next week!

That means we must respond immediately by blitzing Reid, and other key members of the Senate with tens of thousands of faxes demanding a NO VOTE ON THE DREAM ACT NIGHTMARE!

Click below to schedule your faxes for quick delivery:

            This is more than just another amnesty

            push. Reid is now using the U.S. military - young

            men and women who depend on our tax-dollars for

            their safety and security.

            He's willing to withhold financial support in

            favor of illegal aliens who are living in our


            It's an utter abomination and we are URGING all

            members of our team to respond - to send Reid a

            nd others a stark, no-nonsense message that his

            actions will not be tolerated!


Unless Americans respond in blistering fashion, there is a good chance that Reid may actually succeed in opening the door to widespread amnesty.

Our sources have told us a vote is expected as soon as next week.

Don't delay. Click below right now, and Grassfire Nation will send personalized faxes on your behalf to numerous key targets - including your South Dakota Senators and Representative.

As always, if you'd prefer to send the faxes yourself, simply click below to download the fax numbers and letters.

Regardless of the method you use, please take immediate action. We cannot allow Harry Reid, or anyone else to hold our military men and women hostage in order to pass an amnesty bill that will lead to the destruction of our nation!

After scheduling your faxes, please alert your friends.

Encourage them to follow your lead by clicking below:

Thank you in advance for taking fast action with us.

Your friends at Grassfire Nation

P.S. After scheduling your faxes, please forward this message to 25-30 friends urging them to watch the video and take action by clicking here:

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million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is

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Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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----- Original Message -----

From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 3:44 PM
Subject: Harry Reid Using U.S. Military as Pawns to Pass Amnesty