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We're Back and We're Coming Out Fighting! PUSH BACK NOW OR NEVER

Dr. Rima E. Laibow MD Natural Solutions Foundation

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New Health Freedom Resource: www.HealthFreedomPortal.orgThe Global Voice of Health & Food FreedomDaily Updates During the Emergency Created by S. 510, the Fake "Food Safety" Bill, Dr. Rima Reports, live chat, updates, Action Items and more...



Stop S. 510, Fake "Food Safety" Bill!

Over a Hundred People an Hour Are Taking This Action Right Now!

  That's NOT Enough to Stop This Monstrous Bill!


Critical Steps to Health Freedom:


1. Send Message Directly to Your US Senators Here:

More Information?

2. Go to to find your US Senators' phone numbers; then CALL both of them!
Urgent Message from General Bert
Natural Solutions Foundation will be emailing you short daily action briefs until S.510 is finally defeated. Please open each and take the Action Item, every day.
Then forward this Action Item to your contacts, every day.  Ask them to do the same: take the Action item and forward. 
Our numbers are our safety and our protection.  If we fail to marshall the numbers we need, the globalists will prevail.  If we fail in this, we may not have any more battle to fight. 
Food is central to health, survival and control.
This may be the final battle: either we preserve our health and food freedoms or we fail because we failed to PUSH BACK hard enough. We need to increase the number of emails flooding the US Senate to a thousand an hour to ensure defeat for S.510! 
"These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph..." Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776
September 13, 2010
Dr. Rima's Rx: Your Daily Dose of Health Freedom: Intensive Therapy for Galloping Fascism
Diagnosis: Galloping Fascism, Health Freedom Type

Signs and Symptoms of Multiple Severe Health & Food Freedom Failures:

Failed Food Freedom - Only Contaminated, Industrial Food Permitted

Imposed Vaccine Mandates

Diminished or Absent Personal Health Option Choice

Increased Wellness Product Suppression

Overwhelming Government Agency Corruption

Widespread Codex Alimentarius Standards and Guidelines In USe.

Treatment: Take meaningful Action Item Once per day, one time for each member of your family or household to prevent contagious health & food fascism
1. Sign up for Health Freedom Action eAlerts at
2. Open Fresh, Hot-Off-the-Presses Health & Food Freedom Action eAlert once per day!

3. Read information; listen to the Dr. Rima Reports Archives:!

4. Take Action Item, once for each member of your household, to prevent Contagious Health Fascism - Stop S.510!

5. Send Health Freedom Action eAlert to every contact on your electronic list!

6. If possible, discuss item with people in your health food store, neighborhood, building, etc., to prevent loss of social skills!

7. Consistent use of clean sources of healthy products, including BeyondOrganic, nontoxic Valley of the Moon Coffee ( to assist you in Waking Up and Staying Awake!

7. Use of the universal remedy, Nano Silver, and supplementing with Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition can prevent re-infection...

Repeat Daily until Health & Food Freedom Emergency has passed and restrictions to free access to health information, choice and products no longer  exist.

Note: Treatment for New World Order Genocidalism may require consistent repeat applications of free thought and focused behavior. Please remember that it has taken quite a while to get to this point of diseased freedom so you can expect that it will take some time to regain full freedom.  Remember, too, that infections with Globalist Manipulated Organisms (GMOs), similar to lethal pond scum, are persistent and require equal persistence to remove the offending underlying causes: Psycopathic personality disorders mixed with greed, hatred and racism.  Complete cure is, however, possible with proper attention to continued treatment (see above).

Rima E. Laibow, MD

NY State Physician's License 111813

Help Wanted
Experienced producer long on time, video production skills, passion and fervor, Short on patience with the genocidal New World Order. Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert are in Panama.  Counsel Ralph is in the US.  Health & Food Freedom are on the March, and Under Assault, everywhere. Are you ready to work with the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation to create a powerful use of the new media to inform, energize and mobilize huge numbers of people?  If so, we are ready to work with you. Health & Food Freedom need a Daily Video Alert.  If you are ready to help make it happen, NOW, contact Ralph Fucetola on Skype at "vitaminlawyer" -- Push Back Media needs you!
Short takes:
1. The T.S.A. claims that the machines have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Devices and Radiological Health, the Commerce Department's National Institute for Standards and Technology and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. But when I called these organizations to ask about their evaluations, I learned that they basically tested only one thing - whether the amount of radiation emitted meets guidelines established by the American National Standards Institute, a membership organization of companies and government agencies.

But guess who was on the committee that developed the guidelines for the X-ray scanners? Representatives from the companies that make the machines and the Department of Homeland Security, among others. In other words, the machines passed a test developed, in part, by the companies that manufacture them and the government agency that wants to use them.

2. 174 New Vaccines are in development.  How many would you like the right to say "NO THANKS!" to?  How about 174?
"A total of 145 vaccines are in development to prevent a variety of infections, including a number of forms of influenza. Additionally, 88 antibiotics and 96 antivirals are in development."

More S.510 Information:

Go to this site to find your US Senators' phone numbers; then CALL once a day!

Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)

President -

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director -

Ralph Fucetoal, JD

Counsel and Trustee -

Support Health & Food Freedom:

Donate Here or Shop for Natural Products Here.

Our Seminar and Webinar Program Here.

Sept 13.2010