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Grassroots message for returning Congress: We're fed up!

Grassroots Action

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Congressional leaders Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell and John Boehner will learn first-hand how widespread Americans' distrust is toward President Obama and his radical ideological basis for "change."

Please consider joining them in this rapidly growing campaign in time for the delivery to Congress.

Your friends at Grassroots Action


            Congress returns to Capitol Hill on September 13th

            and we have a SPECIAL MESSAGE to be hand delivered

            to selected leaders that morning. Be part of

            this congressional "Welcome Back" package!

            Find out how in my message below - Mat.

Over 40 thousand Liberty Counsel supporters so far have signed the powerful "Vote of No Confidence" statement declaring our growing disillusionment with the Obama administration's condescending style, ineffective leadership and inability to properly serve America's best interests.

Now congressional leaders Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell and John Boehner will learn first-hand how widespread Americans' distrust is toward President Obama and his radical ideological basis for "change."

            On the morning of September 13, Liberty Counsel

            will hand deliver these "Votes of No Confidence"

            statements to their Capitol Hill offices. I

            want as many signatures as possible declaring

            that Americans are resoundingly rejecting the

            Obama administration's radical socialistic

            reshaping of our nation.  Both party's leaders

            need to get this message!

We want Congress - Democrats and Republicans alike - to know that Barack Obama's elitist philosophies are sorely out of touch with grassroots citizens.  Americans have lost faith in his ability to make decisions that are good for America.

In essence, we no longer have confidence in his leadership or ability to effectively serve as President of The United States of America.

            We will hand deliver the "Vote of No Confidence"

            statements to Reid, Pelosi, McConnell and

            Boehner on September 13th!

Here is an immediate opportunity for you to join the tens of thousands of other Liberty Counsel team members in voicing a compelling "call to action" for Congress to "jumpship" and derail Barack Obama's radical socialist agenda.

Click here to sign:

++Barack Obama: The Emperor with No Clothes.

As you may know, President Obama recently released a scathing report to the United Nations Human Rights Council detailing the "condition of human rights in America" and subjecting our nation to criticism from countries like Iran, Cuba, China and others.

According to the report, the United States "violates human rights" because of high unemployment rates, so-called hate crimes, poverty, poor housing, lack of access to health care, and discriminatory hiring practices affecting Blacks, Latinos, Muslims, South Asians, Native Americans, and homosexuals.

            The Obama presidency will be remembered as one

            that humiliated America by prostrating it before

            some of the worst human rights violators in the

            world. To ask nations like North Korea or China

            to help America deal with "human rights" is

            totally grotesque!

Barack Obama is once again throwing America and Americans under the bus with his globalist worldview and socialist agenda. His actions undermine our nation and its sovereignty. He continues to apologize to the world for our alleged shortcomings while actively undermining what is best about the United States!

In response to Obama's U.N. report, American Thinker columnist Carol Taber made the following critical assessment of President Obama's leadership:

            "Other presidents have been wrong. Other presidents

            have been misguided. Other presidents have been

            weak and pusillanimous and pathetic. Only one

            truly disdains America. His name is Barack Obama."

++The American Spirit is intentionally being broken.

A recent Times Magazine article (even the Main Stream Media has become largely disaffected with this administration), which called President Obama "Mr. Unpopular" in its headline, contends that the President is breaking the American spirit. Author Michael Scherer says this:

            "A sense of disappointment, bordering on betrayal,

            has been growing across the country, especially

            in moderate states like Indiana, where people

            now openly say they didn't quite understand

            the President they voted for in 2008. The fear

            most often expressed is that Obama is taking

            the country somewhere they don't want to go."

            "He's trying to Europeanize us, and the

            Europeans are going the other way... The

            entire American spirit is being broken."

Scherer believes one cause of the President's steep decline is:

            "Obama has offered government as the primary

            solution to most of the nation's woes, calling

            for big new investments in health care, education,

            infrastructure and energy... Meanwhile, the

            resulting spike in deficits, which has been

            greatly magnified by tax revenue lost to the

            economic downturn, has spooked a broad sweep of

            the country, which simply does not trust

            Washington to responsibly handle such a massive


How telling it is when a traditionally liberal-slanted news magazine, formerly head-over-heels in love with Obama, calls this ultraliberal president to task!

++September 13 is delivery day.

Join us in welcoming back Reid, Pelosi, McConnell and Boehner with the specially packaged "Vote of No Confidence" statements complete with your view of the Obama administration!

By signing your "Vote of No Confidence" Statement, you will be joining concerned Americans nationwide in resisting President Obama, his administration, and the liberal leadership of the 111th Congress - all of whom are pushing aside the clearly expressed will of the American People.  Register your unwillingness to be herded down the road of statist expansion, government takeovers, and European-style socialism!

Go here to sign the "Vote of No Confidence" Statement:

++"We the People" are America's last, best hope.

 Americans are rising up and taking a bold stand against the Obama/Pelosi/Reid axis of power that continues to ram its socialist agenda down our throats through a fraudulent and corrupt administration.

Their unbelievable arrogance has stirred a deep resolve among patriotic citizens to stop this tyranny before they succeed in remaking the United States of America into a socialist nation.

When you sign your "Vote of No Confidence" Statement, we will share your views with the media, our elected officials, and government bureaucrats - including a very special "welcome back" for congressional leaders on September 13th.

THANK YOU for signing your Statement and for your continued support of Liberty Counsel.  May God richly bless you!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. Liberty Counsel's "Vote of No Confidence" Statement is a powerful message that further brings attention to President Obama's radical agenda and failed leadership.

Click below to sign the statement in time to be included in the delivery to congressional leaders upon their return from their recess:

+   +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +  +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +

+ + Comments? Questions?

Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the traditional family. Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776

----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassroots Action" <>
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 4:49 PM
Subject: Grassroots message for returning Congress: We're fed up!