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Splitting-the-Sky Now Probably Going to Prison for 9/11 Truth/Arresting Bush

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Dear Friends,

As you know I was recently given a conditional discharge sentence of 2 years prison time and a 5,000 fine for attempting to arrest George Bush Jr. for war crimes committed in Afghanistan, Iraq and Venezuela during his 8-year reign of state sponsored terror.

Along with the conditional discharge I was ordered by Justice Manfred Delong in the Calgary Supreme Court to pay a 1,000 fine and donate it to a charity of my choice, which would also have to be approved by the probation department in Alberta. If I did not comply I would be ordered to court and sent to prison for the 2-year term and made to pay the 5,000 fine.

At 11 am pacific coast time I went to report to the probation officer Nadia Haazen in Kamloops BC who I had already advised that a friend of my in the 911 truth and justice movement John Duddy was prepared to pay the thousand dollar fine if the charity he and I agreed upon was the recipient of the contribution that of course was the Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth.

At first I was told that it was not acceptable upon which I sent a letter to our attorney Alred Webre in Vancouver and he in turn wrote her a letter requesting a reason in writing as to the denial.

The probation officer told me that they would look into granting our request but needed more information on A&E 911 Truth and reconsider their position.

Our lawyer sent them information on A7E and as of 11 am August 30th 2010 I was advised that the head office in Alberta refused the request as they say it is not a Canadian charity. Of course I argue that there are 25 Canadians dead due to the Cheney/ Bush false flag operation at the twin towers in New York City on September 11, 2001.

Cheney had the towers brought down to alleviate the asbestos suits the Bushes would have incurred to the tune of billions of dollars of Dresser Industries, which Cheney’s Halliburton bought from Bushes just prior to the falling of the Twins and WTC 7; Dresser had many offices in the towers.

Haliburton is running pipeline and poison gasses and base materials through unsurrendered Indian territories to expand their coffers as they are doing in the Caspian Sea Basin.

Conclusion I will not accept this denial and am preparing to go to jail for 2 years on November the first.

Splitting the Sky

Aug. 31, 2010
