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Sign Petition to Repeal Obamacare Today ! (There's NO CHARGE Whatsoever!)


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In January 2011, America will have a new conservative Congress. Between now and the day they take office, we want to collect 1 million signatures demanding that this new Congress repeal the unconstitutional Health Care Reform Act signed by President Obama. We don't want the conservatives to cave under intense pressure from the media, so let your voice be heard!

Obama and Liberal Democrats in Congress have pushed mandatory, government-run healthcare on Americans forcing us into a system like Canada or Europe. Most Americans will no longer be able to keep the insurance they have. Instead, American citizens are dealing with the reality of impending transfer from private healthcare to a government-run health plan. The vast majority of Americans are not satisfied with the newly passed government-run health care because they know it will reduce the quality and increase the cost. Not to mention, our country cannot afford to go deeper in debt to pay for this new program.

Obama will continue to dig a deeper and deeper financial hole in which our children and grandchildren will never be able to climb out. We have elected you to make a stand for the American people against Obama's healthcare plan. Please listen to the voice of the American people and make the repeal of Obama's healthcare your highest priority.

I, the undersigned citizen of the United States, petition the U.S. Congress to protect the following rights and stop any legislation that would jeopardize them:


(There's NO CHARGE Whatsoever!)

Do you remember the Contract with America?

Millions of Americans came together to demand action from Washington on issues ranging from abortion and gun rights to out of control spending and regulation.

And we won.

Conservative candidates swept the polls and held back Washington’s power grabs, waste and self-indulgence for almost a decade.

That was 16 years ago.

Since then, Washington politicians have abandoned what they promised.

Election after election, you and I see the same results.

Incumbents get comfortable, outsiders become insiders, and before we know it…

…everything you and I worked for vanishes in the haze of bloated budgets, waves of illegal immigration, and outbursts of federal power.

It’s time for a new Contract.

  • Are you willing to see your America turned over to radical environmentalists and gun grabbers?
  • Do you want your children to grow up surrendering 50% or more of what they earn to Washington?
  • Do you want illegal immigrants to continue taking our jobs and filling our communities with crime?
  • Do you want to sacrifice this nation’s future to debt?
  • Do you want abortionists and radical homosexuals to continue killing unborn babies and perverting the American family into irrelevance?

You have a choice.

Join me in writing a new Patriot’s Contract. Together, you and I can hold our leaders accountable.

What matters most to you right now? What makes you angry?Cap and Trade? ObamaCare? The $1 trillion deficit? The ever-growing $13 trillion bailout bill? Planned Parenthood? Sarah Brady?

I need to know what’s important to you.

In the coming weeks, Patriot’s Contract will unveil a nationwide poll and take votes from across the country in an effort to identify the most important issues of 2010.

We will then draft the Contract based on your input.

We must spread the word if we are to make a difference.

Once you have voted on the most important issues to you and your family, Patriot’s Contract will hit the

pavement collecting signatures across America.

We will use every means at our disposal. Phones, email, banner ads – even TV and radio ads if we can afford it.

If you and I work together, I know we can get over 1 million Americans to support our cause.

Patriot’s Contract will then demand action from our representatives.

With over a million Americans crying with one voice to Stop the Madness, they will have no choice but to comply.

It is vital you sign up for the Patriot’s Contract, and then share this site with your friends and family.

Obama and his minions are running roughshod over our freedom, our safety, and our Constitution. The American way of life is at stake.

Take action now!

Sign the Patriot’s Contract now! We will notify you when it’s time to vote.

----- Original Message -----
From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2010 5:25 AM
Subject: Sign Petition to REPEAL ObamaCare