Please don’t buy into the media hype.Iran has not attacked another country in over two hundred years, which is a far better record then America and Israel have who bullies and more" /> - Delivering Truth Around the World
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Concerned Citizen tired of the Lies and Deception

Big D

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n: underline;">Please don’t buy into the media hype.

Iran has not attacked another country in over two hundred years, which is a far better record then America and Israel have who bullies and attacks other countries preemptively. Will the blood shed ever end?  In the last decade US citizens have been subjected to life changes do to “the post 9/11 era.” Our executive branch of government and legislative congress pushed through the very unpatriotic Patriot Act, created Homeland Security, suspended Posse Comitatus from the constitution, considers the use of torture acceptable, removed habeas corpus and is now pushing hard for internet restrictions by claiming it’s a danger to our power grid and national security.  Our citizens are forced to bow down to the thuggish behavior of the Transportation and Safety Administrations use of naked body scanners, unreasonable searches and invasion of personal privacy.  It’s getting harder and harder to escape from Big Brother looking over your shoulder much like it was in Hitler’s Third Reich. Living in America now is similar to the plot of Star Wars, were the oppressive Darth Vader and the evil empire had no boundaries with their greed, power and tyranny…does this sound familiar?

It’s been 9 years since 9/11 and still there is no sign of Osama Bin Laden and his rag tag group of muslin extremists and the CIA admits there is very little to zero information on the known where a bouts of his location.  There is even evidence reporting that Osama Bin Laden A.K.A. Tim Osman has been a CIA asset for many years. With a little digging it is evident that Osama Bin Laden, once a CIA asset was being used as a scapegoat or patsy for the preemptive wars.  There are also reports that Osama Bin Ladin has been dead since December of 2001.  The reports of Osama Bin Laden being linked to the CIA or being deceased never make it on the main stream media and if they do appear you will hear about it once and never again.  Are they all conspiracies; maybe, but it’s duty as American’s to be open minded and research these reports fully and not get emotionally attached to the official story of 9/11.  We owe that to the souls who perished on that painful day in our countries history.  Also, the media rarely mentions the relationship the Bush family had or still has with the Bin Laden family and the business dealings the two are linked together in, Meet The Carlyle Group.  This may explain why the Bin Laden family and other prominent Saudis were secretly flown out of the United States before the national air ban was lifted.

Now in the summer of 2010 American media and our government are making claims that Osama Bin Laden has been seen in Iran…are they serious?  Maybe he is camping out next to the nuclear power plant in Bushehr, Iran. LOL.  Seems like anything to start another conflict.

Governments always need a boogie man to scare/sell citizens into wars and Fake Terror has been used for hundreds of years for the benefit of the corrupt elite and kings.  The US has spent trillions on the preemptive war in Iraq and Afghanistan and American citizens are on the hook for that spending.   But it’s apparently not enough, now the Neo-Cons and Israel want war with Iran.  Over a million lives have been lost in almost a decade of war as well as the artifacts and culture of Iraq destroyed.  Let us not forget the long lasting radiation effects from depleted uranium used by the US military weapons causing biological deformities in Iraqi children as well as ruining their farm land for hundreds of years.

Don’t be fooled by the government and media claiming we need to extend this campaign into Iran because they harbor extreme muslin terrorists and that they are a nuclear threat to America and Israel. They claim that Iran does not adhere to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, this is spin because Iran does adhere to the treaty…it’s Israel who does not.   It’s known to the rest of the world and the UN that Israel has nuclear bombs and capacity to use them and also does not comply with the IAEA safeguards and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.  Why is it OK for America and Israel to have nuclear power and weapons but none for any other country in the Middle East, excluding Pakistan which is a different can of worms.  The medical isotope facility in Iran was built by an American company, so this isn’t note worthy news, it’s just media hype.  Now there is talk of Israel bombing the Iranian nuclear facility with–in the next few weeks.   How do we know for sure that Iran doesn’t already have the uranium rods in position?  Their intelligence better be spot on.  The preemptive bombing of Iran’s nuclear reactor constructed in Bushehr would be a reckless act of  aggression and possibly the start of World War 3, not to mention the probability of huge nuclear fallout.   Israel, Pro Israeli American lobbyists and Neo-Cons pushing for this attack is showing us their lack of humanity and irresponsible behavior with atomic energy.   This from a country that constantly bangs on the morality drum and brings up the inhumane treatment of their people during the Holocaust.

All warfare is based on deception — SunTzu

War is a fraud and a scam.  Read your history, most all war is started by deception.  It’s about money, resources and power for the small percent of the world elite that cares less how they achieve their agenda.  It’s big business and they don’t appear to care about the lives of civilians and soldiers they kill or ruin for their big profits.  This sociopath behavior is prevalent with our elitists, congress critters, shadow government and lobbyist running things in Washington DC.  Unfortunately it’s very sad for the rest of us who can sift through the BS the media shamelessly reports on a daily basis.  It’s all perception management to these jokers to keep the sheep in the dark arguing over trivial issues.  Let’s speak out and bring the troops home and spend the money on Americans who need it and our infrastructure that is falling apart.  Stop the killing for the financial benefit of the bomb and bullet manufacturers, Wall Street thugs and for a foreign power that seems to have way to much political influence in our country.  Like George Washington said in has fair well address to the nation “Beware of foreign entanglements.”

Our media

For an example of how bought and sold our media is let’s look at the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.  American media and our government reported that 75% of the oil was gone, that it miraculously disappeared, fishing lanes are open and swimming is safe for public use.  Then the media shifted gears to very little reports on the gulf leak that particular week, a oil leak which is 20 times or more worse then the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill in Prince William Sound.  Just ask Alaskans how well that worked out for them. Then the media reported on trivial things like Chelsea Clinton’s wedding or Lindsey Lohan’s jail sentence…WOW!  I do hope Americans don’t buy into this bovine excrement and this obvious diversion from a true crisis.  We now learn that the FDA wasn’t testing the fish from the affected areas in the Gulf and the media and government straight out lied to the American people putting them at risk.  We also found out later that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) lied about the oil plumes at the bottom of the ocean. The deception and lies are truly disgusting. All one has to do is go to You Tube or the many citizen media websites (blogs, alternative news, etc…) to see the hundreds of reports covering individual accounts of the gulf oil disaster that is opposite the spew of media and government lies.  There are iReports showing dead fish on the beaches of Florida and as far north as New Jersey and Massachusetts.  Reports of Corexit Rain, plants and crops being affected throughout the southern states, mid-west and north mid-west possibly do to the use of Corexit dispersant, BP burning sea turtles alive, Biologists finding dead zones around BP oil spill in the gulf due to the huge amount methane gases released in the sea and then our atmosphereThere is also satellite photos showing oil in the east coast waters and the media is not reporting on this.  Now, our media is diverting attention away from the gulf spill, suffering economy and pending war by focusing on a Muslim community center/mosque four blocks away from ground zero in Manhattan.  The crazed sheep and right wing radicals in this country will buy anything the media shovels, people are convinced that the mosque and it’s location makes a mockery of 9/11.  Think Progress right-wing radio host Michael Berry quoted “I hope somebody blows it up” when discussing the mosque with a caller, what an insensitive comment to broadcast.  Could you image if a Muslim group said that about a Christian church, I shutter to think.  I thought the War on Terror centered on Osama Bin Laden and his Muslin fundamental extremists not the Muslim religion as a whole?  Have these people forgotten about the First Amendment; Freedom of Religion, Press and Expression.  Just a reminder to the mindless sheep out there, the only suspects caught and arrested for involvement of the twin tower collapse the day of 9/11 were Israeli Mossad agents otherwise known as the Dancing Israelis.  Consequently, these agents were released and sent back to Israel and the investigation of their involvement in 9/11 was dropped.  What is this special relationship our government has with Israel, a foreign power?  Is it money, or something more sinister like blackmail.

The complete media blackout of real news is becoming more obvious to Americans and people around the world.  My guess is the media and Big Brother are under estimating the amount of critical thinkers keeping in eye on our scandalous government and Globalist elite.

Americans please wake up!  The alphabet network (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, PBS, etc.) and the GOVERNMENT are linked TOGETHER.  We live in a fascist political system where the corporations interests and agenda comes first, it’s for the benefit of the stock holders not the American people.  I like this quote from RBN radio host Mike Rivero “It’s a government of the scammers, by the scammers and for the scammers.” The mid-term elections are just a few months away so the democrats will do anything to save face including diverting attention away from the bad economy and oil leak.  Not playing favorites, the republicans would do the same thing if they where in power.  Both sides are just two crime families running the same scam. They will complain about each other all day long using red hearings issues to occupy the sheep, but if their crap game is disrupted both political parties will band together like a clan of hyenas to protect their position of power and income stream. It’s Bread and Circus run buy our corporatist run government and controlled media.  Joseph Goebbels would be proud of propaganda bought and sold in this country and Benito Mussolini would be rejoicing over the corporate controlled government otherwise known as Fascism.

In conclusion, after watching all six seasons of the ABC series LOST, I would feel more comfortable on the castaway’s uncharted Island.  Jack and Kate’s troubles where scary and suspenseful but at this point it’s starting to look like a more desirable place to be.  I’d rather run from the smoke monster and the famed others then continue with the endless lies and deception by the mainstream media, government and elitists in this country.  At least I’d know what I was running from and not have be concerned with world war, the oncoming police state, our bad economy, GMO food and the unstoppable oil leak in the gulf.  Who knows, maybe the producers of LOST or Mike Rivero from What Really can help me construct a LOST style sonor fence in my neighborhood to keep out the sociopath elite, broke ass cancerous government and other undesirables.

Additional info on Osama Bin Laden: Osama Bin Laden reportedly met with CIA agent Larry Mitchell for kidney dialysis in a Dubai hospital on July 12th 2001. Mitchell, a retired Air Force Col, apparently lived in Dubai as an Arab specialist under the cover of being a consular agent.  The military, CIA, FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, Police, Blackwater, MI6, MI5 and British military can’t find Bin Laden but yet he was being assisted with his dialysis by CIA just two months prior to 9/11.  Sounds a little dubious…If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck.  Also, Osama Bin Laden has never been officially charged with the crime of 9/11.  Apparently there is not enough evidence to link him the event.  Check out the FBI wanted poster.  Why would the FBI not have Osama Bin Laden’s crimes of 9/11 listed on the most wanted poster when Americans are told that our government is hunting all over the world for him because of his leadership involvement perpetrating 9/11?

Aug. 23, 2010