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America casts a "Vote of No Confidence"

Grassroots Action - Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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Liberty Counsel is calling for tens of thousands of signers of the "Vote of No Confidence."  We strongly encourage you to participate by signing their statement.

Also, since this message is extremely important, please consider forwarding it to 10-20 of your friends.

See their important message below.

Thank you for your support, Your friends at Grassroots Action


Liberty Counsel

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Date: 8/23/2010

            Last week, Barack Obama was flying around the

            country endorsing Democrats and campaigning

            with a rehashed message of "hope." Although

            this theme worked for him two years ago,

            Americans are fast losing any remaining

            confidence they may have had in his leadership.

            See my very important message below - Mat.

There is growing, widespread distrust among Americans toward President Obama and his radical ideological basis for "change."

Nile Gardner, in his recent article titled, "10 Reasons why the Obama Presidency is in Meltdown," offered the following assessment:

            "The last few weeks have been a nightmare for

            President Obama. It's a summer of discontent

            in the United States which has deeply unsettled

            the ruling liberal elites, so much so that

            even the Left has begun to turn against the

            White House."

            "While conservatism in America grows stronger

            by the day, the forces of liberalism are growing

            increasingly weaker and divided."

            "Against this backdrop, the president's approval

            ratings have been sliding dramatically all summer,

            with the latest Rasmussen Daily Presidential

            Tracking Poll of US Voters dropping to minus 22

            points, the lowest point so far for Barack Obama

            since taking office. While just 24 percent of

            American voters strongly approve of the president's

            job performance, almost twice that number, 46

            per cent, strongly disapprove. According to

            Rasmussen, 65 percent of voters believe the

            United States is going down the wrong track,

            including 70 percent of independents."

++Barack Obama: An Emperor with no clothes.

There are many reasons behind the political implosion of the Obama presidency. Americans are increasingly rejecting Obama's non-specific campaign of "change," as it has now been revealed that he has a radical socialist agenda.

Americans have watched in disgust as backroom deals, bribery, manipulation, and the President's imperialistic style of leadership have forced unconstitutional mandates and unwanted legislation down our collective throats.

Among the causes of deep resentment being held against Obama by many conservative, freedom-loving Americans:

            *Failed fiscal policies, including multiple stimuli,

             bail-outs, TARPs and takeovers

            *High unemployment that continues unabated

            *Wealth redistribution and regressive tax polices

            *Massive government expansion

            *Out-of-control spending

            *Shadow government of unvetted czars

            *Subverting of our Constitution

            *Slavish catering to radical special interest groups

            *Disastrous foreign policy weakening America's

              worldwide position and status

            *Undermining core values of American culture

            *Destabilizing of our military

            *Liberalizing of our courts

            *Ineffective immigration policy

            *Condescending Leftist elitism

Many Americans now believe that Barack Obama's elitist philosophies have left him sorely out of touch with grassroots citizens. Americans have lost faith in his ability to make decisions that are good for America. In essence, we no longer have confidence in his leadership or ability to effectively serve as President of The United States of America.

++"Vote of No Confidence" campaign gets underway.

Liberty Counsel has launched a powerful new campaign proclaiming a "Vote of No Confidence" in President Obama and his leadership. This effort reflects the nation's growing disillusionment with his imperious, condescending style and inability to properly serve America's citizenry.

This campaign also serves as a compelling "call to action" to derail his radical socialist agenda.   In Parliamentary procedure, a "Vote of No Confidence" is generally followed by a call for resignation.  Our Statement is not a formal, binding resolution like a recall vote or a congressional Bill of Impeachment, but it will provide a foundation upon which future citizen actions can be built.

            Join us in signing the "Vote of No Confidence"

            Statement. I expect that hundreds of thousands

            of Liberty Counsel team members will sign this

            bold declaration.

By signing your "Vote of No Confidence" Statement, you will be joining concerned Americans nationwide in resisting President Obama, his administration, and the 111th Congress - all of

whom are pushing aside the clearly expressed will of theAmerican People.  They are literally forcing our country down the road of statist expansion, government takeovers, and socialism!

            Unchecked, Obama's leadership will ultimately

            lead to an economic, social and moral collapse,

            a disregard of our inalienable rights, and the

            complete dismantling of our constitutional freedom.

Go here to sign the "Vote of No Confidence" Statement:

++This is what "change" looked like to our Founding Fathers.

The Liberty Counsel "Patriot's Handbook of American Liberty" is a valuable reference guide that every American should have among his or her personal belongings.

The Handbook contains the two great bulwarks of American liberty, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.  Plus, it includes the text of Patrick Henry's immortal address to the Virginia House of Burgesses on the eve of our first Revolution.

It also includes a special essay I have written for modern-day patriots like you.  I entrust this Handbook to you in the hope that you will "pray and act" in accordance with the timeless principles it contains.

Americans must cling fast to the founding documents that ultraliberal "progressives" like Barack Obama desperately want us to forget.  We must all re-familiarize ourselves with the words for which our forefathers fought and died!

            "If the foundations are destroyed, what can

            the righteous do?"-Psalm 11:3

This Handbook is yours for a gift of any amount to LibertyCounsel. Immediately after submitting your "Vote of No Confidence" Statement, you will be offered the book for whatever amount God is leading you to give.

Click here to learn more about the book and to sign your Statement:

++"We the People" are America's last, best hope.

Americans are rising up and taking a bold stand against the Obama/Pelosi/Reid axis of power that continues to ram its socialist agenda down our throats through a fraudulent and corrupt administration.

Their unbelievable arrogance has stirred a deep resolve among patriotic citizens to stop this tyranny before they succeed in remaking the United States of America


When you sign our "Vote of No Confidence" Statement, we will share your views - along with those of tens of thousands of your fellow concerned Americans - with the media, our elected officials, and government bureaucrats.

            I believe this "Vote of No Confidence" will

            resonate with Americans across our country

            and stir them to take a firm stand for the

            freedom we are fast losing!

            Go here to sign the declaration and to see

            "The Patriot's Handbook of American Liberty,"

            yours for a gift of any amount:

THANK YOU for signing your Statement and for your continued support of Liberty Counsel.  May God richly bless you!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. President Obama's recycled campaign message of "hope" rings hollow now that we've had a year and a half of his presidency!  Liberty Counsel's "Vote of No Confidence" Statement is a powerful message that further exposes President Obama's radical agenda and failed leadership.

Click below to sign the statement. Then consider making a donation to Liberty Counsel in support of efforts in defending, life, liberty, marriage and faith. The "Patriots' Handbook of American Liberty," is yours for any gift amount.

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Grassroots Action, Inc. is an Internet services company that provides news, information and grassroots action services and strategies to individuals and organizations.

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassroots Action" <>
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 4:32 PM
Subject: America casts a "Vote of No Confidence"