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Exposing the architect of ruin

Grassfire Nation Update

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 President Obama is crisscrossing the country touting the success of his $862 billion stimulus plan, and proclaiminghis actions have saved millions of jobs and staved off a great depression.

       The fact is, Obama's announcement comes while

       unemployment remains high, the federal government

       is expanding at the highest rate since Eisenhower,

       the U.S. economy is shrinking and our government

       is engaged in out-of-control spending creating an

       insurmountable debt that could bankrupt our nation.

Not surprisingly, most of the money from the stimulus package went to federal, state and local government projects and unions instead of investing in businesses that would actually spur economical growth.

Under Obama, we now have the largest government workforce in history with the largest government payroll ever and a federal pay scale that is, on average, 40 percent higher than their private sector counterparts. And we pay their salaries!

In Grassfire Nation's just released booklet, "Obama Exposed - 21 Ways Obama is Radically Re-Shaping America in His Own Image," our researchers made the following assessment to Obama's economic policies.

            "President Obama's response to the economic

            crisis is to promote a statist model for the

            economy that fundamentally transforms our

            fee-market system into a state-run, European


That prediction was made in December of 2008. As we can now see our researchers' prediction proved accurate as Obama is bringing our nation to the razor's edge of socialism!

But that is just one of the more than 20 ways Obama is re-shaping the United States into his own image.

Click below for more and to order your own copy of this dynamic 64-page resource:

+ + Discover the disturbing truth about the Obama Administration

From his brazen moves to foster socialism, his rapid expansion of the federal government, to stacking the courts with activist judges and siding with Mexico in the battle to secure our borders, Obama is rapidly bringing about a fundamental change in our nation - a change that was borne out of his own globalist worldview...

A change that is threatening us all.

That's why this booklet is so vital, for it gives the reader a quick, and telling glimpse into Obama's world - a post-American world where American exceptionalism no longer exists...

This is the book the Obama Administration would prefer you never pick up!

Take a moment right now to experience "Obama Exposed" by clicking below:

Inside this 64-page resource, we lay out Obama's game-plan and what lies ahead if patriots like you don't respond!

Don't delay. Limited copies of our first print run still remain. Take a moment right now to order your copy by clicking here:

Thank you for standing with Grassfire Nation!

Your friends at Grassfire Nation

P.S. After ordering your copy of "Obama Exposed", forward this message to your friends urging them to see for themselves the 21 key ways Obama plans to re-shape our nation into his own image by clicking here and reading a short sample:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that isdedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 8:05 AM
Subject: Exposing the architect of ruin