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Obama's plot to destroy the free market economy exposed!

Grassfire Nation

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      No fan of the free market, President Obama is strategically

      destroying the free market economy while increasing the

      size, scope and power of the federal government. Read

      Grassfire's exclusive report and take fast action by

      clicking below:

Has "the grand experiment" as George Washington once referred to our political ideals failed?

According to at least one respected economist, it has. A recent Bloomberg report suggests that as a nation we are bankrupt, and the worst part - we don't even know it.

Fiscal irresponsibility including bailouts atop of bailouts are certainly a chief culprit, but a closer look reveals an under- reported and disturbing trend that is hurtling our nation to the very brink of destruction - the growing public - private compensation gap!

      Click below for the exclusive Grassfire Nation report,

      and to sign our petition calling for an end to the

      spending madness:

+ +  Destroying the Free Market System

With our economy reeling, many private sector jobs have either evaporated or dwindled. Many still holding jobs in the private sector have seen their wages and benefits drastically reduced.

Not so in the federal sector where civil servant compensation packages nearly double those of private sector employees!

      You heard that right. Federal employee

      compensation packages are nearly doubling those of

      private sector employees!

When President Obama told ABC's chief political correspondent George Stephanopoulos that Americans would have to sacrifice for the good of the nation, he apparently didn't mean fast- growing pool of federal employees.

Click below for our exclusive report:

By dramatically increasing the size and scope of the federal government, while shrinking the private sector, Obama is undermining our free market to the point that it may no longer be able to carry the ever-increasing financial burden...

The federal government is feasting while the rest of the nation starves!

Unless grassroots citizens rise up and challenge the tax and spend mentality embraced by Obama and the Democrat ruling class, the very lifeblood of our nation will cease to flow.

Grassfire Nation has launched a national petition to rally and mobilize a minimum of 200,000 citizens who are demanding an end to the spending madness - Who are demanding fiscal responsibility - Who are demanding the increasing tax burden be lifted from their shoulders - Who are demanding an end to the increasing size and scope of the federal government!

Go here now to add your name to our "Stop the Spending Madness" petition:

Only a massive grassroots uprising can stop the runaway train that Obama is controlling. And we are counting on you to help us reach the 200,000 petition mark before Congress returns to Washington.

With your help, we can call-out and challenge Obama and his cronie accomplices who have set out to destroy the free market economy that has made our nation great.

Don't delay. Add your name right now by clicking below, and then forward this important message and report to your friends and family urging them to take fast action with you.

Thank you for the standing with us!

Grassfire Nation

P.S. Again, after signing our petition forward this message to your friends urging them to read our exclusive report and to sign our petition by clicking below:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that isdedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.

Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 2:39 PM
Subject: Obama's plot to destroy the free market economy exposed!