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Censored Gulf news: Spike Lee, Sandra Bullock exposing fascist lies and deceit next targets?

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As increasing numbers of Gulf Coast residents become too ill to protest being killed with posions and mainstream news is complicit by downplaying the crime against humanity and genocide in the region, Spike Lee and Sandra Bullock have taken a public stand against fascist lies and deception by Obama's petrochemical-military-industrial-complex (PMIC). They could be next in line for targeting by the PMIC hired lethal bullies paying late night calls to Gulf Coast whistleblowers.

Even Scientific American is not addressing flagrant use of Corexit 9527 still being sprayed, nor raising awareness about ill health effects. (See "Doubts on Dispresants." (See:

Pensacola News Journal reports in "Military Notes" that employees of Eglin Air Force Base are digging up sea turtle eggs.  Contrary to most news reports claiming that there is no oil and Gulf waters are safe for swimming and to eat the Gulf seafood, the remarkable turtle initiative is  "to protect the hatchlings from toxic oil remaining in the Gulf." (See link below) This is more consideration than given to Gulf Coast pregnant women's unborn or children, the most susceptible to the toxins.

In the Youtube video below, Spike Lee addresses the deception and lies, emphatically explaining that the chemical effects will continue for decades based on the deaths and suffering of the Exxon Valdez spill.

Sandra Bullock became involved with "Women of the Storm" but has bailed on contributing to its Public Service Announcements after learning the orgaization is a BP front. 

Bullock said that at no time was she made aware that companies had anything to do with the organization. (See CNN, Hollywood: Video Online at

Ground Zero volunteers in New Orleans were recently outraged when they learned the truth about "Women of the Storm" campaigns with slogans such as "Be The One" (the tag line in Rebecca Harrell's song in the movie FUEL about healthy, safe and humane energy alternatives).

"Among its stars of its moving video are Sandra Bullock, Wendell Pierce, Lenny Kravitz, John Goodman, Dave Matthews, Mary Matalin, James Carville, Drew Brees, Peyton and Eli Manning, Emeril Lagasse, Harry Shearer, Dr. John, Leah Chase, Bryan Batt, Blake Lively, Alfre Woodard, Eric Harvey (of the band Spoon), Jack del Rio, Clay Hensley and many more," according to its website.??

The "women" boast, "Women of the Storm has harnessed the latest in social media techniques as it seeks to capture hundreds of thousands of e-signatures using an "aggressive" PR campaign.

On July 31st, the women issued a press release, "Women of the Storm Responds to Rumors

About the Restore the Gulf Campaign."

Will Bullock and Lee be the next targeted individuals for exposing the truth instead of supporting the lies and deceit that the PMIC and its mainstream media are feeding the American public?

Three days after the untimely death of the major thorn in the PMIC's side, Matt Simmons, another major Gulf whistleblower exposing evidence of the crime against humanity and genocide in the Gulf region was met late at night by men in black.

Matt Smith, founding director of Project Gulf Impact was paid a visit late Tuesday night by two men aggressively attemtping to get him to answer his door. He was in his California home after weeks of filming in the Gulf Coast.

Smith has interviewed on film scores of people such as Riki Ott, BP workers and people suffering from being poisoned, some sprayed with Corexit over their homes. He has also filmed the oil obviously still on and tainting beaches after those areas had been "cleaned."

Virtually all targeted persons quickly learn that, for one reason or another, police will not protect or defend them when they call for help. Smith called police while the intruders were on his doorstep. Police did not arrive until 45 minutes later.

Smith has now joined forces with Intel Hub and is hosting one of their radio programs. Listen to his first Gulf Oil show on August 12 that he contributed here to learn about his first-hand experience of how company goons start their often lethal campaign against whistleblowers. (Project Gulf Impact, Exposing the Gulf Disaster, Intel Hub, August 12, 2010)

Listening to Smith's program, the reader will hear frontline workers at Ground Zero speak about their contacts - friends, associates and others - who are too ill to come out of their homes much less participate in organized demonstrations or protests against genocide in the Gulf Coast.

Copyright © 2010 Deborah Dupre. All rights reserved. This article cannot be copied, posted, republished without author permission.

Deborah Dupré, with post-graduate science and education degrees from U.S. and Australian universities, has been a human and environmental rights advocate for over 25 years in the U.S., Vanuatu and Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only the title and first paragraph linked to this Examiner page. Dupre welcomes emails:  See herVaccine Liberty or Death book plus Compassion Film Project DVDs.  

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Eglin Air Force Base transplants endangered sea turtles. Wildlife officials dug up hundreds of sea turtle eggs on Eglin Air Force Base beaches to protect hatchlings from toxic oil remaining in the Gulf. The eggs were transported via FedEx to Cape Canaveral, where they will be reburied and allowed to hatch naturally on the Atlantic Coast. Nine nests holding more than 300 sea turtle eggs have been transplanted from Eglin beaches to Cape Canaveral. (See all stories on this topic »)

August 19, 2010