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Every American Must Know the Story of Farmer Gordon W. Kahl

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It is essential that every American know the story of Gordon W. Kahl.  This is about more than the tax issue.  It is proof that the federal government is organized crime, committing murder and placing itself above the Constitution in protecting the guilty.
If you don't have time to view this  -- don't bother writing to me again, because I don't want top waste your time either.
Dick Eastman
I have concluded that the Sheriff who went into the house to peacefully arrest Kahl was also murdered by the US Marshal.  The two did not shoot each other and die and then the house catch fire.
This video better than anything else every produced exposes the power of the Feds to demonize good citizens, conduct kangaroo courts and commit cold blooded murder with impunity.  Know this case well -- because this is the travesty of law all who stand up for our Constitutional and common law rights are facing --  "a preview of what we've got in store."
See how the Federal Government misrepresented their murder of this man who stood on his rights.   Video "Death and Taxes"  about the Federal Governments war against Gordon Kahl.
Part One:
 Part 2
Is there any question which side the US Marshal in your area would have been on?
US Marshalls are not County Sheriffs.  One is organized crime the other is common law.  Sheriffs are elected.  Marshalls serve, ultimately, the money power
FROM:  Dick Eastman :

Posted Aug. 18, 2010