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Fight Petraeus' media spin.

Robert Greenwald

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Did you see that?


NBC’s David Gregory just interviewed General Petraeus on Meet the Press, and he totally failed to ask the tough questions about the Afghanistan War. Instead, he gave Petraeus a platform to claim we’re “making progress,” a well-worn message aimed at convincing elites to ignore the massive public opposition to extending the war.  If the rest of the media fail to ask hard questions during Petraeus’ upcoming media tour, there’s a chance he could get what he wants: the freedom to extend this brutal, futile war.  

Sign our petition to tell the next journalists on Petraeus' media tour to ask tough questions and expose his effort to extend the Afghanistan War.


CBS’ Katie Couric, FOX News’ Jennifer Griffin, and ABC’s George Stephanopoulos are in line to talk to the general. Since Couric is next, we’ll start with her. Tell her to ask tough questions about Petraeus' claims of "progress" and his attempt to extend the Afghanistan War.


We're winning the debate about Afghanistan, but if journalists don’t live up to their responsibility to push back on military spin, it will be harder than ever to end this brutal, costly war. Help us stop Petraeus' effort to extend the war.



Derrick Crowe, Robert Greenwald

and the Brave New Foundation team


P.S. We know that not all of you have Twitter accounts. If you want to participate outside of our Twitter action, please see here for instructions on how you can join this action.


P.P.S. Don't forget to become a fan of Rethink Afghanistan on Facebook!

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----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Greenwald
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2010 9:15 AM
Subject: Fight Petraeus' media spin