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URGENT: Oppose the latest bailout!

Jim Babka President, Inc.

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Congressional leaders are calling the House of Representatives back for a special session. They want to hold one vote on one bill on Tuesday, and then leave for recess again. What is this bill? It's another bailout -- a $26 billion bailout of wasteful, incompetent state governments.

It's also a pay-off to Democratic special interests like government employee unions (but please don't think for a minute that the Republicans aren't just as bad about this kind of thing).

This bill has already passed the Senate, but it isn't necessarily certain that it can pass the House. Many House Democrats are worried about their re-election prospects, and don't want to vote for another big spending bill. For instance, here's what Collin Peterson (D-Minn) says . . .

"I don’t know how they’re going to pass it. I haven’t really checked with people, but there are a lot of guys who aren’t going to vote for it.”

And, according to Politico, this kind of concern is starting to be a real roadblock for the Democratic spending orgy . . .

"Their fiscal-policy meltdown included the unprecedented failure to consider an annual budget resolution in its usual form and the approval of only two of the scheduled 12 appropriations bills prior to the August recess."

This means we have a real chance to defeat this bailout bill, but only if we register our disapproval now. Make Congress nervous about passing another bailout this close to the election. Send a letter to Congress using our No Bailouts campaign.

The hardwired message on this campaign says "No government money, whether borrowed or taxed, should ever be used to bail out private financial interests, or wasteful state governments."

You can copy or borrow from my sample letter for you own personal comments . . .

Please vote against the $26 billion bailout for state governments. The voters and politicians of these states will never learn to behave prudently if you bail them out. What they need to do instead is cut spending. They need to make choices, instead of expecting the rest of us to pay for their incompetence and irresponsibility. On top of which . . .

I have a strong suspicion that a heaping helping of this $26 billion is simply a pay-off to Democratic constituencies. Well, every member of Congress should remember lessons such as the Cornhusker Kickback. You aren't necessarily going to be loved for playing politics the way it used to be played. Voters in your district are very likely to punish you if you vote yes on this bill. So do yourself a favor . . .



You can send your letter using our Educate the Powerful System.

And please alert others about this issue. A vote will likely happen in the next 24 hours.

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

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----- Original Message -----
From: Downsizer Dispatch
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 9:38 AM
Subject: URGENT: Oppose the latest bailout!