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Rand Paul on Hannity, and our experimental results

Jim Babka President, Inc.

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Rand Paul continues to promote the Downsize DC Agenda in his poll-leading race to become the next U.S. Senator from Kentucky. 

For instance... 

* In an email message to supporters this week, he pledged to push hard for the  Enumerated Powers Act.

* He mentioned "reading the bills" as one of his top three, mainstream issues during his most recent appearance on the Sean Hannity show. Our friends at Liberty Maven posted the video clip.

Rand has been promoting these two issues since before I met with him last December, and has pledged to sponsor or co-sponsor all six Downsize DC Agenda bills.

Rand Paul's constant public advocacy for "Read the Bills" shows us the huge potential of getting challengers to adopt our proposals. Imagine what would happen if some or all of the challengers in your district were promoting Downsize DC bills like the Read the Bills and One Subject at a Time. This would surely result in . . .

* New supporters joining Downsize DC because of the extra publicity

* Challengers winning votes because they advocate our proposals

* And incumbents getting nervous about this, to the point where they decide to adopt our bills themselves

This is a huge lever -- a powerful way for us to get better results with less effort. That's why we created a new tool to allow challengers to register their support for all or part of the Downsize DC Agenda.

We're pleased to announce that we now have 9 candidates who have endorsed some or all of our bills (and several more have begun the registration process). Please, check out the list.

But this tool will only be partially effective until or unless we can include challengers in our Educate the Powerful System. Doing this will allow you to lobby them the same way you lobby your elected representatives. This is one of many tools we plan to create after we finish our One Sack database overhaul. Speaking of which . . .

We're down to the nitty-gritty details of queries we need -- the questions one asks of a database. Most of these are done and working, and the rest should be ready shortly. Our goal is to have no less than the same level of information we had with our old system of divided databases, but with greater functionality. Then, the next task is the last step -- importing our donor data into the Educate the Powerful System, which is the One Sack to which the name for this project refers. That's big news!

Thank you to everyone who donated to make this progress possible!

Thank you also to everyone who participated in our recruitment experiment on Monday. It too will help inform our plans for new tools that will allow us to recruit more people, faster, with less effort. I wish I could tell you right now what's coming next. But we've got to do one thing at a time. Trust me, you'll love it; so stay tuned.

The Army number on our home page shows that we've passed the 30,000 milestone, but given the way we constantly purge our list to get rid of bad email addresses, we suspect we may slip below this number again, temporarily.

In addition, we also blew past 8,000 fans on Facebook!

Thank you for making all of this progress possible. If you want us to continue moving forward please consider making a contribution or starting a monthly pledge. You can do so here.

Have a good weekend!

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

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----- Original Message -----
From: Downsizer Dispatch
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2010 9:55 AM
Subject: Rand Paul on Hannity, and our experimental results