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We really believe in what we're doing

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* I've contributed $790, so far

* Vice President Perry Willis has contributed $461, so far

* Future Business Solutions, owned by DC Downsizer Kent White, provides our Internet hosting services. FBS forgave this month's bill

* And at least one other vendor, who also supports what we're doing, has deferred payment

We really do believe in what we're doing, and HOW we're doing it.

We're VERY grateful to those who have helped us pursue our strategic vision. Yesterday, we raised another $2,880.

Alas, we're still $3,620 short of what we needed for July, and tomorrow is the last day of the month. Please help if you can, by contributing here:

As you might imagine, $3,620 is still a real hole, so we hope you can help here at the deadline. We'll have more good news to report next week.

Jim Babka

President, Inc.