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Your voice is needed in the Kagan debate

Grassfire Nation

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Elena Kagan Supreme Court Vote


There is a chance Americans can roll back ObamaCare... There is a chance Americans can stop the Obama-led march to statism... There's even a chance that Americans can wrestle back power from the government...

 But should Elena Kagan be confirmed as an associate of the U.S. Supreme Court, Obama's radical legal philosophy will impact you, your family and our nation for the next 40 years and there is positively nothing you or anyone else can do about it... Her confirmation would be permanent!

Her disrespect for the U.S. Constitution and her passion for using the court to bring about radical social change will irrevocably skew and undermine the values that have made our nation great.

As citizens, we are duty bound to speak up...

This is YOUR TIME, and Grassfire Nation has a way to inject you directly and immediately into this vital debate gripping our nation...

Say the word, and we will hand-deliver personalized letters on your behalf to key members of the Senate-- including your two Senators -- prior to these two historic and

potential disastrous Kagan votes!

            Click here for more and to schedule your letters

            to be hand-delivered to your two senators and

            other key senators:

 + + Key Votes on Kagan Expected Next Week!

As early as next week, every Senator will be required to go on record regarding Kagan. That's why in the days and hours that remain it is absolutely critical that WE THE PEOPLE speak up and demand that our Senators vote "NO" on the Kagan cloture vote and "NO" on Kagan!

Failure to take action now may result in a lifetime of radical social change on the courts that will affect your children and grandchildren.

Schedule your letters for delivery by clicking here now:

With your help we can literally flood EVERY Senate office in a sea of personalized letters from patriots like you who believe confirming Elena Kagan to our Highest Court will ensure Obama's radical agenda for generations.

But don't delay. We've learned that the full Senate votes are expected next week leaving us precious little time to change the hearts and minds of the key Senators needed to short-circuit the Kagan confirmation...

With your help right now, there is a chance that we stop Obama's plan to use the courts to promote his radical socialist agenda, safeguarding our nation for the generations that follow.

But we need you to take immediate action by clicking below:

As always, thank you in advance for your efforts.

Your friends at Grassfire Nation

P.S. The full Senate votes are expected NEXT WEEK. Don't delay. We have our couriers standing by waiting to deliver your personalized letters to key Senate offices -- including your two Senators! Schedule your letters for fast delivery by clicking here now:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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----- Original Message -----

From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 6:18 PM
Subject: Your voice is needed in the Kagan debate