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I'm Tired of...

Joe Bechtol

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The demonization of Islam while glorifying Judaism the hater of Jesus Christ.  I'm tired of the glorification of Bush a true war criminal along with the evil Cheney who got us into these phony wars against terrorism under false pretenses with one lie after another.  I'm tired of many thousands of our boys and girls spilling their blood and losing their lives over lies for the profits of a few which number many times the number of lives lost on 9-11. 
I'm tired the main stream media doesn't talk about building 7 falling in on itself without being hit by an airliner and with no significant fire or that a Fox station announced it before it happened! I'm sick of all the soldiers who sacrificed their lives in Iraq for oil profits,(aka weapon of mass destruction as in Gulf of Mexico) and all the lives given in Afghanistan to protect the opium trade, yes I'm talking "Smack, Horse, Heroin." 
I'm tired of good and honest uninformed citizens propagating our own government's propaganda lies.  I'm tired of dumbed down citizens thanks to our government schools who can't think outside the box.  Yes, the ones who don't have eyes to see and ears to hear as Paul speaks about in Colossians, needing to remove idols from their lives.  Idols such as professional sports teams and its players, musicians, singers, actresses and actors or anybody else in the "entertainment" industry.  As Caesar said, "Bread and Circus" keep the peasants fed and entertained and we can do anything we want to them slowly but surely.  Its just like bringing a frog in a pan of water slowly to a boil, he wont jump out and save himself because the temperature rise is so gradual.  He is mesmerized just the same as the dumb goyim (that's Jewish for Gentile) is by the blue flicker machine called TV, the contents of which is controlled by the above mentioned ethnicity.  I'm tired no one knows of Jewish Ritual Murder and blood sacrifices performed on innocent gentiles as called for in the Kabala. 
I'm tired that no one knows what the Babylonian Talmud, the book of oral traditions of the Rabbis says about Jesus Christ born of a harlot on her menstrual cycle!   I'm tired of all the multimillion dollar church buildings popping up everywhere supported by tithes of the poor snookered masses,  while the the church officials live in relative luxury. 
I'm tired of the preacher's lies about the chosen people and the nation of Israel and the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple.  I'm tired of the IRS's 31 controlling requirements of 501 C3 churches as to what they cannot preach about or against to keep their tax free status. savor
I'm tired that none of them preach about how this nation of Israel attacked our USS Liberty intelligence ship during the 6 Day War in 1967 murdering 34 US sailors, machine gunning them in their lifeboats and how our Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered 2 of our fighter pilots to return to their flat top under threat of courts marshal who were responding to the ship's SOS. 
I'm tired of our government cover-up of this crime and the threat of repercussions to the survivors if they talked about it.  Why isn't this in our nation's school's history curriculum?  I'm tired that no one knows of the allied firebombing of Dresden, Germany days before the armistice a city of no military value but one filled with some of the world's greatest works of art destroyed along with tens of thousand of German citizens made up almost entirely of old people and children who suffocated from the intense fire bombing of the city.  This operation was ordered by our illustrious Jewish bastard commander General Ike the kike EISENhower.("to teach the German people a lesson")  Remember the victors in war write the history books.   I'm tired of people being imprisoned around the world for questioning the alleged facts of our nation's newest religion called "Holacaustianity"  I'll close with this, "I'd rather have Mahmud Ahmadinejad as our president than  puppet we've been presented with for most of our lifetimes" regardless of party.  I'm tired of the phony two party system that's as fake as Big Time Wrestling.  I'm tired that no matter what party is in power we continue to go downhill. 
I'm tired that the party in power never undoes what the "evil" party before did. I'd rather you be hot than lukewarm or cold for that matter.  Lukewarm is compromise.  Lukewarm is go with the flow.  Lukewarm is "times have changed."  Lukewarm is don't offend anybody regardless of the truth.  Lukewarm is not occupying until His return, you are the salt of the earth, if you lose your flavor then what good are you but to be ground into the street.  The truth will set you free honey, be free.  You are the kindest , sweetest, charitable, loving and giving person I've ever known, but how about a little righteous indignation?
Sincerely Tired
Joe Bechtol

July 22, 2010