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Climate tax meeting happening behind closed doors

Grassfire Nation News Update

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Energy Tax


Today, the Democratic Caucus will meet behind closed doors to discuss Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's latest Climate Change proposal, now renamed as an "attack on pollution."

Last week, President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid met behind closed doors developing the plan to deliver a comprehensive energy and climate package to the Senate floor by month's end.

Republicans are upset because there is a feeling that Reid may force legislation into the Senate agenda with only a few days for debate, on a controversial issue that should have weeks of debate.

            Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) said of

            Reid's proposal, "Unfortunately, he's

            waited until a time of the year when we

            literally have less than a week to deal

            with an issue that usually takes seven or

            eight weeks."

Sound like a familiar tactic?

            The Dems could decide to try and pass this

            legislation before their August 6th recess.

We need to take rapid action to stop their scheme.

++The quickest way to oppose these last-minute tactics...

            Due to Reid's anticipated timetable, we must

            act immediately and flood the Senate with

            faxed messages using our FaxFire messaging

            system. Now is the time to air your concerns

            to the Senate. Now is the time to derail

            this legislation before it reaches the

            Senate floor.

Using our FaxFire system for immediate impact, we will fax your two Senators and ten other key players telling them that the American people will not be duped into paying more money for our utilities so the government can advance the manipulated findings of a Climate Change hoax.

Or, you can tell 21 or all 100 U.S. Senators that the biggest pollutant is the tainted air coming from the U.S. Capital Building. Tax that instead!

Go here to launch your faxed message.

Also consider calling your two Senators and tell them what you think about imposing a new "carbon" tax on the nation.

++The name has changed. It's still government intrusion.

According to Reid, his streamlined bill will require our nation's utility companies to pay a price for emitting carbon. Appeasing liberal activists, the legislation will include controversial greenhouse gas curbs.

Reid said that he will not include the words "cap on carbon emissions." Also squelched are the phrases "Cap and Tax" and "greenhouse gasses." In today's politically charged environment, those terms are considered toxic. Instead, Reid is calling the bill an attack on "pollution."

            The names are changed. The result is the

            same: More government control. New taxes.

            New fees.

++Senators are squeamish

Many Senators are sitting on the fence regarding which way they'll vote. They know this bill is unwanted by a majority of Americans who are going to the polls in November.

            Now is the time to tell your Senators to stop

            this tax invasion masquerading as a "Cap and

            Trade" bill.

We must short-circuit their efforts. Let the Senate hear your voice today by faxing a targeted message to eleven, twenty-one or all one-hundred Senators.

Also, please forward this message to 20-30 friends, urging them to join with you against Obama's coming "Cap and Tax" scheme by clicking on the link below:

Thanks again for your rapid response in taking action with us!

Your friends at Grassfire Nation

P.S. If the government imposes fees on our utilities, we will ultimately pay the cost. It's an imposed cost for more government control. Click here to send a fax now to the Senate.

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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----- Original Message -----

From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 10:35 AM
Subject: Climate tax meeting happening behind closed doors