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Rothschild-Rockefellers Prep US, EU For China Request

By Dick Eastman

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nt. They have been flooded with people of other lands who have been fed anti-American and "anti-White Man." Something similar has been done in Europe. The plan was for the 9-11 false-flag attack to initiate mutually destructive conflict between the civilizations of Europe and the Americas against Islam. With conspiracy agents controlled by the Rothschild/Rockefeller interests (Goldman-Sachs, IMF, World Bank, FED, the UN, the European Union Central Bank, and thousand of NGO's including the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group to do their bidding -- ever aspect of our culture has been sabotaged. China has an army of former Americans, the "Ex-Pats" in China who are assisting working this conquest and slaughter.
Each has the soul of a Blankfein or Rham Emanuel or Barrak Obama (talking about the soul of a communist infiltrators and the winning smile of one). 9-1, the weather disasters, the drug invasion, abortion, pornography and the destruction of all institutions that transmitted the vital cultural practices of our civilization -- all have been seen to by those who developed Zhou Enlai's and Leon Trotsky's plan for the communist subversion of the US.
God has put good men in the Americas and in Europe and in Japan and Southeast Asia who understand the situation and will lead against the eventuality. They need about two or three billion followers around the world in order to overthrow Rothschild power.
I am an example of what these men are like. I know there are others around the world -- in China, in India, in France, Japan and Thiland -- everywhere. I think I know who about a dozen of these men may be. I know that you are not ready to join them -- to fight and sacrifice as a religious fanatic, as a jihadist, as an extremist in total revolt, in masses as Gandhi-style resisters ready to stop the wheels of Rothschild power -- as assassins in the case of the hardened killers who will not surrender to organized humanity.
I give you a year to repent, equip and find your zeal. It looks like you will have to do this with very little food or fuel and a lot of noise from the organs of enemy propaganda and disinformation and "anti-extremist" action by Janet Nepalitano "homeland security" backed by the Elena Kagan supreme court.
I offer you one chance in about a thousand -- provided you take up the populist option.
The leaders are there -- but you have to look for them among the false leaders. What is missing is followers -- billions of them -- partners who will be arms and legs and voices for the few who know the right direction and have the courage to led people there.
Followers come first -- revolution -- real revolution -- is populist. The leader just becomes the (replacable) emblem of what the people believe. They select from among all the idea men and talkers the ones who shall direct their power.
See death at your door. See, roughly, what must be done. Seek out those willing and able to lead you once you rally to him.
I am done explaining this to you. Class is over. It's sink or swim. Take up the common cause and fight all the way to victory or defeat. Otherwise, defeat is already here.
--Dick Eastman