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Don't Give Corporations Our Money !


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We all know that our money is what gives them their power.  They used fear tactics, slavery of mind, slavery to drugs and so many negative forces to keep WE THE PEOPLE in visible and invisible chains.

I admire everyone who is doing all they know to do to help our countries all over the worlds and planets.  For those of us who just read the articles or listen to the conference calls in order to get updates, we need to ask oursevles, (what can I do to help?)

Bp aka British Petrolum for example has polluted our waters.

Who will suffer the most if we do nothing but watch the updates?  Who will have to pay higher prices for food? Who will be out of jobs? What about our water supply and the well being of our children?

We have to learn to fight back where it will hurt them the most.  Think about it folks. They want the $$$$MONEY.   They can not get it if we stop supporting them. 

There has to be alternate means to get produces and supplies we need.  There have to be many of us who have or know of others who have businesses that can help supply the demands of WE THE PEOPLE.

It is time for us to truely be the soldiers that we were created to be.  It is time to be DOERS as well as WATCHMEN.

I did not mean to say so much when I started this message. 

Please forgive me if I offended anyone.  I just believe we all deserve a good life for ourselves and our family all over the world and planets.

It is time to claims our inheritance

With love and peace.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Marie" <>
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2010 8:04 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10