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nel billions of dollars into pet liberal social programs.

A key vote is expected today and Reid has pledged to keep

the Senate in session through the holiday weekend until

his bill is passed.

In all, Congress is rushing to pass two massive spending

bills that include at least $150 billion in new unfunded


And Dems are expected to reject Sen. Coburn's effort to

require that all new spending be offset by corresponding

cuts (that vote is taking place today as well).

+ + Tell your Senators: No More Unfunded Spending!

It is the height of political cynicism to use an emergency

war-funding bill to push liberal social programs and expand

the deficit by billions of dollars.

The House and Senate "spendulous" bills this week include:

--$23 billion in a public school teacher bailout

--Extension of unemployment benefits through November

--Billions of dollars for more Medicare funding

--$4 billion in foreign aid to Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan

--$5.1 billion for Haiti

--$1.7 billion for police and firefighters

--$5.7 billion for Pell Grants

+ + Say "NO" to unfunded spending

Sen. Tom Coburn is drawing a line in the sand and saying

that any new spending must be funded with corresponding cuts.

If you agree with Sen. Coburn, then take a stand today and

tell your two Senators and your Representative -- along

with other key members of Congress -- to stop the unfunded


Two ways you can contact your members of Congress:

Action #1 -- Fax Congress and say "Stop the Spending"

Our FaxFire system will deliver your custom fax

message to your two Senators, your Representative

and other key leaders.

Faxes are delivered on a first-come, first-served

basis so go here now to schedule your faxes:

(As always, we provide the contact information and sample

fax letters if you prefer to send your own faxes. Just click

the link above for the information.)

Action #2 -- Call your two Senators and your Rep

With votes expected today and tomorrow, after you schedule

your faxes be sure to call your two Senators and your Representative:

Talking Points:

#1--I oppose any new unfunded spending bills that are not

offset by corresponding CUTS in federal spending.

#2--I am outraged that Congress continues to abuse the term

"emergency" in order to justify massive new deficit

spending programs.

#3--I strongly oppose the adding funding for non-military

programs to the emergency military funding bill

Thanks for taking action.

Your friends at Grassfire Nation

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or to change your status, see link at the end.)

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a

million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is

dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a

real impact on the key issues of our day.

Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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