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US negotiators are taking the scientifically-questionable position that foods containing GMOs are not different from conventional foods, claiming labels that say GMO or non-GMO are misleading - while at the same time Congress has failed to pass legislation requiring better labeling of such foods!

This is a serious threat to those fighting for better labeling laws nationwide, and we must act now.

Click here to urge Agriculture and Health and Human Services Secretaries Tom Vilsack and Kathleen Sebelius to withdraw this position!

The evidence and concern about the dangers associated with GMOs continues to grow, and last year the American Academy of Environmental Medicine called for a moratorium on all genetically-modified foods. According to a Nielsen survey the fastest growing claim among store brands in 2009 was "GMO-Free", and consumers are more and more frequently choosing non-GMO brands (53% of Americans say they would avoid GMOs if they were labeled).

We need to mobilize the strong base of support for labeling into a force for policy change. Our elected officials must acknowledge the public demand for labeling and oppose any policy inconsistent with that demand.

Click here to send your letter now!

Thanks for staying involved,

The Citizens for Health Team