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Persecution planned for law-abiding citizens

Steve Elliott President, Grassfire Nation

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           Pro-amnesty advocates decry any lawful action

           towards illegal aliens as a symptom of "racism."

           Government officials are fanning that fire

           of racial rhetoric toward Arizonans. I strongly

           suggest that we rise up and support Arizonans.

           See below.

Arizona lawmakers are being vilified by Mexico, bordering states, some of their city governments, our own president and Washington, D.C. lawmakers, who are all pro-amnesty liberals.

Arizona's "misguided" measure, as it was called by President Obama, was to enact a state law that empowers law enforcement officials to enforce federal immigration laws.

These radical activists, politicians and several statesare now threatening to boycott Arizona while illegalalien activists foment unrest in the streets.

           Rev. Al Sharpton compared the Arizona immigration

           law to Apartheid, Nazi Germany and the Jim

           Crow South. He then said, "We will go to

           Arizona when this bill goes into effect and

           walk the streets with people who refuse to

           give identification and force arrest."

           Attorney General Eric Holder is threatening

           to file a lawsuit against the Arizona law.

           Mexican President Felipe Calderon condemned

           the Arizona law for "opening the door to

           intolerance, hate, discrimination and abuse

           in law enforcement."

These injudicious statements make me question what part of "illegal" do they not understand?  They fly in the face of state sovereignty?  They expose our federal government's failure to close our borders from this onslaught of illegal aliens, when it's constitutionally mandated for the Federal Government to uphold our national defense.

           These are the reasons why I am calling on the

           Grassfire Nation to rise up and support the

           Arizona lawmakers for taking a bold stand!

++Let your Senators and Representative know what YOU think!

 Use our FaxFire system to immediately send faxes to your two Senators, your Representative, Arizona congressional leaders and other key Senators right now! We have provided sample letters. Go here to begin your FaxFire messaging.

Or... send your own faxes. We have provided all the information

you need. Go here:

++What Arizona's law actually does!

The Arizona law allows the police to arrest immigrants unable

to show documents proving they are in the U.S. legally, makes

it a misdemeanor for immigrants to fail to complete and carry

an alien registration document, stiffens penalties against

illegal alien day laborers and their employers, and bans

sanctuary cities that refuse to enforce immigration laws.

           Illegal immigration is OUT OF CONTROL. It appears

           that the President and Congress are appeasing

           unlawful aliens in order to gain their citizenship

           in exchange for their vote.

           It is simply wrong for illegal aliens to obtain

           any special status or access to public services

           at legal taxpayer's expense.

++Here is what the FaxFire message demands of our legislators

           As a citizen of the United States who supports our

           Constitution, I believe it is the foremost duty of

           our government to provide for national defense -

           including the enforcement of prosecuting those

           who enter our country illegally!

           I implore you to obey the law of the land

           nationally and in our state as the Arizona

           legislators have done in their state. Crack down

           on illegal aliens.  Step up our national security

           by closing the borders. Stop the drain these

           illegal aliens have on our resources.  I oppose

           amnesty for illegal aliens.

Patrick H., let's stop the anti-Arizona blitzkrieg for

putting legal systems in place to counter the onslaught of

460,000 illegal immigrants in that state!  Let's also empower

our own federal, state and local law enforcement officials

to ask about the citizenship of people they stop!

Go here to schedule your Grassfire Nation FaxFire.

As always, thank you for standing with us on these critical

and timely issues enveloping our country.

Steve Elliott

President, Grassfire Nation

P.S.  Illegal immigration is out of control. Arizona is being unjustifiably persecuted for taking a lawful stand against 460,000 illegal aliens in that state while draining their resources. I urge you to use our FaxFire systems to contact Capitol Hill right now. Thank you again.

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that isdedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 4:07 PM
Subject: Persecution planned for law-abiding citizens