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Backroom deal in works to put Climate Tax on Fast track

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            A backroom deal is being worked on right now to

            put the "Cap and Tax" energy tax back on the

            fast-track. See below.

Yesterday, Harry Reid put Cap and Tax back on the fasttrack -- ahead of immigration. Here's what Reid said inthe New York Times:

            "The energy bill is much further down the road

            as far as a product," Reid said. "So common

            sense dictates that if you have a bill that's

            ready to go, that's the one I'm going to go to."

And where is the Cap and Tax deal being worked out? Behindclosed doors. John Kerry admitted that the real dealings areonce again taking place in the back room...

            "[B]ehind the scenes, there are different parties

            and people working to try to see if we can find

            a sensible way through this thicket. And I'm

            confident there is one, and we'll get there."

 + + Send a message to the Senate "back room"

This puts the "Cap and Tax" plan back on the fast track -- precisely as your petition is being hand-delivered to yourtwo Senators.

Right now, the hand-delivery is under way. When we aredelivering over 350,000 petitions, the entire process cantake up to a few days. But the timing is perfect.

+ + Turn up the Pressure!

But we can't stop here. We must build on the momentum ofthese hundreds of thousands of petitions -- making lawmakers uneasy and putting them on edge.

            That's why we have made available our FaxFire

            service to our Grassfire Nation team -- so

            you support this petition delivery with a

            flood of faxes right as Senators conduct

            their secret negotiations to fast-track Cap

            and Tax.

            Patrick, with your permission, we will

            fax your personal message to your two South Dakota

            Senators and Representative as well as other

            key leaders.

Click here now to schedule your faxes:

Even if you decide to send faxes on your own, download ourletters, and fax list. JUST TAKE ACTION!

With the petitions and a flood of faxes, citizens acrossGrassfire Nation have the opportunity to send a HALF-MILLIONcitizen contacts to the Senate in the next 72 hours onthis issue.

Again, Harry Reid has put the Cap and Tax bill back onthe fast track. The back room deals are under way. Go hereto support the delivery of your petition with a personalfax to your Senators and other key leaders:

Your friends at Grassfire Nation

News Sources:

New York Times: Energy bill "further down road"

Hot Air: Reid Caves to Graham

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is amillion-strong network of grassroots conservatives that isdedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you areal impact on the key issues of our day.Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 10:35 AM
Subject: Backroom deal in works to put Climate Tax on Fast track