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Senate Beginning to Re-think Cap and Trade Tax

Steve Elliott Grassfire Nation

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But make no mistake... Cap and Trade tax is not dead.

In fact, Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) reiterated his strong commitment to "a sweeping climate and energy measure" this year saying, "The American people deserve better than for the Senate to defer this debate or settle for an energy-only bill that won't get the job done."

+ + 350,000 Petitions Within Our Reach!

Due this announcement, we are postponing hand-delivery of our petitions for just 24-hours - giving us a few extra hours to surpass the 350,000 threshold - maximizing grassroots outrage against this regressive tax!

We're urging ALL members of Grassfire Nation who have signed our petition to use this time to help us intensify grassroots outrage by leading more citizens to our petition and giving them an opportunity to have their petition hand-delivered to their two Senators.

Forward this message to 20-25 friends right now. Urge them to stand against this job-killing, regressive tax that will cost American taxpayers thousands annually by clicking below:

Kerry,  (D-MA) and Graham (R-SC) will unveil their broad climate and energy tax to the American people.

Until then, help me get this message into the hands of patriots from coast-to-coast. Let them know that Grassfire Nation will hand-deliver their petitions to their two Senators opposing the massive Cap and Trade regressive tax.

Have them click here to sign:

Over the last four days alone, patriots like you have helped us rally more than 100,000 citizen signers over just the last four weeks alone!

Again, I'm counting on you <first_name#>, to help me bring even more Americans into battle against this climate scam.

Thanks again for taking action with Grassfire Nation!


P.S. Just to be clear, we've moved our deadline forward 24-hours to maximize our timing and impact against the Cap and Trade tax legislation. Make certain your friends add their names BEFORE Tuesday midday. Forward this to your friends and urge them to sign the petition. Together WE CAN STOP THIS REGRESSIVE TAX - but we must overwhelm our lawmakers beginning Tuesday.

Have your friends click here to have their petitions hand-delivered starting Tuesday:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is amillion-strong network of grassroots conservatives that i dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 12:20 PM
Subject: Senate Beginning to Re-think Cap and Trade Tax