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Lew Rockwell: States Revolt Against Federal Hegemony

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Great things are happening! A Lew Rockwell podcast with Michael Boldin.
What is the Tenth Amendment, and why should we care?
Amendment 10 – Powers of the States and People:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
It’s a linchpin of the states rights phenomenon that is lighting a prairie fire all across the country.
And it is not a “right-wing movement,” despite the MSM’s claims.
Indeed, its most powerful component is the drive to legalize medical marijuana. (The pro-gun and anti-REAL ID movements are important too, of course).
The feds ordered the states to crack down, but they ignored our overlords. And here is a lesson for all of us.
Electoral politics, except Ron Paul, tends to be a corrupt sham.
Rather than write, call, or fax congressmen or senators, or work to exchange Bum B for Bum A, ignore the federal government as we peacefully resist.
That drains its power. Like the Devil, it needs our consent.
(end snip)
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* Tenth Amendment Center
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April 27, 2010