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Unite Against Citizens United

Rick, Angela and Glenn Your advocates at Public Citizen

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The Citizens United ruling debased the First Amendment by saying corporations have a constitutional right to spend whatever they like to influence elections. Then Citizens United, the organization, saw fit to bully another organization into sacrificing legitimate free speech rights.

Public Citizen believes in the First Amendment, and we aim to defend it against a reckless Supreme Court decision and a hypocritical advocacy group.

Here's what happened: A Wisconsin-based organization started a Facebook page called "Citizens United Against Citizens United" for its campaign against the Supreme Court decision. Then Citizens United - the corporatist organization that brought the case before the court - sent the Facebook page's creators a threatening letter alleging trademark infringement.

Public Citizen offered its legal resources to defend the group, but not wanting the hassle of litigation, the group instead dropped the name.

But we decided the name Citizens United Against Citizens United was too good to waste and that it was time to take a stand for real freedom of speech. We grabbed the name and built a Web site.

So check out Then sign our petition at for a constitutional amendment to prevent the corporate takeover of our democracy. Facebook users can click here to become a fan of Citizens United Against Citizens United.

Thank you for all you do.

Rick, Angela and Glenn

Your advocates at Public Citizen

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 2010 Public Citizen | Take Action

From: Public Citizen <>

Subject: Unite against Citizens United


Date: Monday, April 12, 2010, 1:14 PM