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Immigration Reform a Top Priority for Obama

Steve Elliott Grassfire Nation

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While the media are doing their best to convince Americans that sweeping immigration reform isn't an issue that President Obama wants to tackle in a contentious election year, just below the surface a move is being planned.

Speaking on Univision's "Al Punto" this past Sunday, First Lady Michelle Obama stressed that "immigration is still on the top of the president's political agenda.

Later in that same interview Obama reiterated her earlier claim saying, "My husband is committed and understands that a comprehensive and smart immigration reform policy is going to benefit the United States and Mexico and other countries around the world."

Just a week earlier Senate Majority Leader Reid promised a crowd at a Las Vegas immigration rally that he would begin crafting immigration reform legislation as soon

as the Easter recess was over. Reid told the crowd, "We need to do this, this year. We cannot wait... we are going to pass immigration reform just as we passed health carereform."

 Obama is under mounting pressure from amnesty groups like La Raza, MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan) and others who intensely campaigned for his White House run. Failure to deliver on his campaign promises could spark resentment from a politically potent Latino constituency should he decide to run again.

Reid too is facing a difficult re-election bid, and with large numbers of Latinos in Nevada, he too sees the political payoff from pushing an amnesty plan.

+ + 200,000 "No Amnesty for Illegals" petitions needed!

As we've all witnessed from ObamaCare, very little is done in the light for the American people to see. Obama and his cohorts are comfortable moving in the shadows... and we anticipate a comprehensive immigration reform bill to suddenly appear!

If we sit back and wait it will be at our own peril.

That's why it's critical that we build a dynamic coalition of at least 200,000 grassroots citizens ready to respond the moment any amnesty bill hits the light.

            I'm calling on all members of our team who

            have already added their name to our petition

            to help push us past the 200,000 petition

            mark within the next several days so that

            we are ready to boldly move forward...

-- Demanding secured borders,

-- Strict enforcement of existing laws,

-- And No Amnesty for illegals.

            Forward this message to 25-30 friends right now

            and urge them to stand with you against Obama's

            amnesty dash by signing our petition below:

We cannot move forward with any kind of strength until we've amassed at least 200,000 citizen signers. That's why I'm urging you to move right now to help build our NO AMNESTY army!

Thank you for standing with Grassfire Nation.

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

P.S. Again, forward this message to 25-30 friends today urging them to stand with you against this latest push for amnesty by clicking below:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 3:03 PM
Subject: Immigration Reform a Top Priority for Obama