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ObamaCare nightmare happening again

"Grassfire Nation

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The game plan used for ObamaCare is about to be repeated... for the "cap and tax" energy tax.

You recall how ObamaCare got passed...

Obama's bulldog Rahm Emanuel is dispatched to Capitol Hill to lay out the game plan...

The bill is "introduced" but we never see the real language...

Fearing public scrutiny and opposition, Dems skip the normal committee process altogether and rush the bill to the floor for a vote.

All the real work is done in a secret backroom.

+ + Energy Tax moving forward like ObamaCare

That's precisely what is happening right now with the "cap and tax" energy tax.

The Washington Post reported that Emanuel "met with a slew of environmental and Democratic leaders to discuss climate legislation...

Then, Senators Kerry, Liebermann and Graham announced that they will be introducing their bill later this month (April 26).

But there's one catch...

They aren't going to actually "introduce" the bill. Instead, they are going to hand it to Harry Reid so Reid can take it straight to the Senate floor and bypass the committees!

In Liebermann's own words.

"If we introduce [the carbon tax bill], it'll get referredto committees," Lieberman said. "We want [Majority Leader Reid] to be able to work with it and bring it out onto the floor as a leader whenever he's ready."

+ + Petition on the Cap and Tax Energy Tax

Grassfire Nation is gathering petitions right now from citizens who oppose the "cap and tax" energy tax.

A goal has been set to hand-deliver 300,000 petitions to the Senate on April 26 as the bill is being announced.

Current petition total: 241,670

Your petition is already on file. Your help is needed to reach the 300,000 goal. Please forward this entire message or the following paragraph to your friends and encourage them to sign:

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If you oppose the "cap and tax" energy tax and want a petition from you hand-delivered to your two senators on April 26 as the bill is announced, please join me in signing this petition:

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Again, if the goal of 300,000 petitions is reached by April 26, the petitions will be hand-delivered to every Senate  office, meaning your two U.S. Senators will receive copy of your petition on the same day the bill is "announced."

This is the best way to get your petition directly to your Senators.

The "cap and tax" energy tax will impose a massive tax on the American people and give the government draconian control over even the air we breathe.

Thank you for taking action.

Your friends at Grassfire Nation

P.S. Please forward this to your friends and urge them to sign the petition and help us reach 300,000 signers in time for the bill announcement on April 26. If the goal is reached, petitions will begin being hand-delivered on that day:

News Sources:

Wash Post: Cap and Tax bill unveiling 4/26:

Human Events: Reid to "Backroom" Cap and Tax:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 1:20 PM
Subject: ObamaCare nightmare happening again