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Sam Kennedy

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To: Undisclosed

Date: Saturday, April 3, 2010, 1:19 PM

To the blessed listeners of TAKE NO PRISONERS worldwide,
Well, I guess we got their attention this time.
As you probably know, The Restore America Plan has made the mainstream media including the lead story on the Fox News Network’s 6 o’clock news (“Special Report with Bret Baier”), CNN MSN, NBC and ABC. Reporters around the country are angling for information, and the worst they can say is: “The FBI and Department of Homeland Security are not aware of any immediate or credible threats of violence as part of this group’s plan.” Big story there. The FBI has been in the field most courteously around the country and we’ve opened many new channels of communication. I made a surprise drop-in visit yesterday to a local FBI interview of a grand juror and had the pleasure of sharing information from the horse’s mouth, so to speak, and furthering our lines of communication. All in a day’s work for those of us who are committed to freeing our children before the world degrades into economic and political Armageddon.
I have a big surprise for our listeners tomorrow night (Sunday, April 3) on TAKE NO PRISONERS (8 PM ET, Republic Broadcasting Network). It’s not something I can just summarize here, but I can promise an immensely enjoyable and satisfying experience especially for members of the Guardians of the Free Republics, our enormous global audience, and the many new listeners we expect to be tuning in across the country. I invite everyone to join me.
I will also have the pleasure of sharing some of the more substantive elements of my interview of the FBI agent and State officer yesterday. I consider every opportunity to commune with an attorney, judge, prosecutor, law enforcement or bureaucrat a blessing from the Lord.
And finally, I will share some of the truth of the world around us of which new listeners may not be aware. For instance, I will have the pleasure of showing you the actual source of the 700B "bailout" funds.
TAKE NO PRISONERS can be heard on FM and shortwave stations around the world, and on the internet via Shoutcast or directly through the network website at:
every Sunday night on the unique voice of freedom, the Republic Broadcasting Network at 8 PM ET, 7 PM CT, 6 PM MT and 5 PM PT. Hope to see you then.
Thank you for reading and would you kindly consider CIRCULATING THIS EMAIL FAR AND WIDE?
Peace and Grace to all,
Sam Kennedy