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Tea Party Express Commentary

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Palin is a Gatekeeper for the Hymie faction; always has been, and always will be. 
If the so called Tea Party movement has chosen to run with her as their spokesperson, they will never get out of the gate. I have seen how imbedded gatekeepers work the gullible and naive, and how easily they are led down the primrose path, via their short-hairs. The fact that she is in that position tells me that the leaders of the bigger tea party groups, are, without exception, government agents. 
The reason why America will forever be a middle of the road prison colony, is primarily due to the vast majority not having the acumen and presence of mind to separate fact from fiction, much less able to see a con when it is right in front of them --consequently, they will forever be easy prey and pickings for the astute, nimble and psychotic. Americans on average, are adolescent, juvenile and immature, when it comes to having innate understanding of the machinery all around them -- put into place, eons and eons ago, for the sole purpose of imprisoning their minds, and keeping them in check.
Sooner or later, The Tea Part Leaders will start talking about how their particular cause should also include supporting Israel, and their policies for America. "No wonder Americans seem so confused all the time, they're being used as mind controlled human piñatas, specifically for the expressed purpose of amusing their masters. Don't the damn fools know that very soon, their masters will grow tired of the charades they have created for them -- that even now, they are becoming board with the same outcome results from their lab rats?  When the designer(s) of the rat maze see no further purpose for the experiment, what might you imagine will be done with the participants?
As far as I can tell, the Tea Party movement is being led by Organized Jewry at every level. I'm surprised the leaders aren't handing out Yarmulke's to all of its rank and file
The irony of it all, is that the over-whelming majority, even when they are having their tickets punched for the last time, will still be on their knees, gleefully praising their Jew gods and true masters. I can think of no more contemptible creature than those choosing to worship the Jew, any Jew.
The Jews always control both sides of the issue, both for-and-against. They are true masters of deception in every imaginable way -- artisans of subterfuge. The aforementioned, coupled with their resident audience, and bit players, is a guaranteed formula for neutering the majority.   
It is much easier on the head to just give into the wide-spread cognitive dissonance of the masses, than to do break free from them, opting instead to do the hard work of breaking free from their abounding ignorance and cowardness.  
Rod Remelin

April 2, 2010