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REAL ID Revolt: Raise Your Voice

Caroline Fredrickson, ACLUL"

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’s licenses to have a “machine readable component,” that will be read everywhere, from retailers to airports.

This component -- combined with state databases of drivers’ information -- will create one-stop shopping for identity thieves. More importantly, it will invade people’s privacy by allowing easy tracking and monitoring of ordinary, law-abiding Americans.

Last month, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) proposed regulations to implement REAL ID. As required by law, the department is now accepting public comments on these proposed regulations.

Take Action: Submit your own comments telling the Department of Homeland Security and Congress that REAL ID is a 'Real Nightmare.'(Click on "Visit Author's Website" )

Anyone in America has the right to submit comments to the government on this proposal. The government hasn’t made submitting comments easy, but that just makes your comments more valuable. And we’ve made it much easier to submit comments than it normally is, with a step-by-step guide and talking points.

The number of comments will be watched by many influential Members of Congress, not just your own. So today you really have a chance to make a difference on the national stage. The extra impact is definitely worth the extra effort!

Take Action: Your comments to the Department of Homeland Security will make a huge difference in this debate.

REAL ID creates enormous administrative burdens for state governments, and it’s a massive unfunded mandate that will cost state taxpayers tens of billions of dollars. The law forces state governments to remake their driver’s licenses, restructure their computer databases and create an extensive new document storage system.

Five states have already said ‘no’ to Real



In an almost unprecedented revolt, five states: Maine, Idaho, Arkansas, Montana and Washington, have passed anti-Real ID resolutions or legislation. This type of legislation has been filed in more than 30 states.

Influential Members of Congress are paying attention.

We need your voice, too! Help flood the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with comments on REAL ID: a real security and privacy nightmare for Americans.

Take Action: Send your comments to DHS. ( (click on "Visit Author's Website")