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Sources tell Action News that the FBI is involved in a standoff in North Adams Village, about 30 miles from the site of Saturday’s raid in Adrian. They are believed to be looking for Josh Stone, the son of the group leader David Stone.

The younger Stone has been on the run since the raid. So far the FBI has not commented on the standoff.

Several members of “Hutaree,” a religious militia group based out of Lenawee County, are in court facing federal charges that include conspiracy and attempting to use weapons of mass destruction.

Nine people group members have been charged with a list of federal crimes. Seven of the suspects appeared in court Monday morning to be indicted.

Arrests were made over the weekend after the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the Joint Terrorism Task Force took part in raids around Adrian that may be connected to a religious militia group known as “Hutaree.”

In a federal indictment, the government says the group is an anti-government, extremist organization that planned war with the United States. It is also alleged that the group wanted to kill members of law enforcement.

Federal charges include Seditious Conspiracy, Attempt to Use Weapons of Mass Destruction, Teaching/Demonstrating Use of Explosive Materials and two counts of Carrying, Using and Posessing a Firearm During and in Relation to a Crime of Violence.

The nine people named in the indictment are as follows:

David Brian Stone, 45

Tina Stone, 44

Joshua Matthew Stone, 21

David Brian Stone, Jr., 19

Joshua Clough, 28

Michael Meeks, 40

Thomas Piatek, 46

Kristopher Sickles, 27

Jacob Ward, 33

The leader of the group is David Stone Sr., and is known by group members as “Captain Hutaree.”

His ex-wife, Donna Stone, talked with Action News about Stone.

“He’s got a temper. He can get radical. He wants things done his way,” Donna Stone told Action News.

Investigators say group members have been meeting regularly to conduct military-style training in order to prepare for war with the government, law enforcement and federal workers.

Brittany Bryant, the woman who is engaged to David Stone Jr. – son of the group’s leader, says the group isn’t dangerous.

“I don’t think they’re dangerous. If they wanted to do something they would have already done something,” says Brittany Bryant.

The FBI conducted multiple raids throughout Saturday and into Sunday, with one of them centered on a property where known members of the militia live.

Helicopters were spotted in the sky for much of the night Saturday, and agents set up checkpoints throughout the area, including in Sand Creek and Clayton in Lenawee County. Witnesses tell Action News that it was like a small army had descended on the area.

A command center, including two satellite trucks and a radio tower, had been set up at the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Department in Ann Arbor. It has since been dismantled.

Sunday, authorities also blocked off roads in Dover Township, while they gathered evidence from a home.

The group’s web site shows training videos of men wearing camouflage, carrying rifles, and maneuvering through rough terrain. The site also includes information similar to a manifesto, that says members need to be ready for the Anti-Christ and that Jesus wants members to be ready to defend themselves with the sword.

Authorities are expected to release more information about the investigation early this week.

An official with FBI has also said two people were arrested Saturday in Ohio, and one person was arrested in Illinois.

March 29, 2010