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Eldon Warman

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I do wish Sam Kennedy success in his efforts and that he is in compliance
with Creator God's Plan.  However, I have some concerns:
Sam Kennedy, et al, do not seem to understand that the corporate/
fascist structure of America is 100% Holy Roman Empire, and that 
Pope's are crowned with this declaration:
"Receive the tiara adorned with three crowns and know that thou art Father of princes and kings, Ruler of the world, Vicar of our Savior  Jesus Christ."  

It appears that Thoman Jefferson did not know this either, until sometime after the American Revolutionaty War. Obviously, Washington, Madison, Hamilton and Franklin were fully

made aware of it, long before the Revolution, as even the US Articles of Confederation deals only with 'persons', corporate subjects of the Pope owned Crown of the City of London. Their Revolution only got them out from under the British Crown.
So, I expect this to go nowhere.
As I see it, the only one who can dissolve the corporate structure that rules America is the CEO of the head corporation now ruling America - the POTUS.  Obviously, Obama has to SOUR the American people on what they have so ignorantly accepted as the 'American Way' and the phony Federal Reserve $$$. If that is his plan, then it is obvious that to get Americans to accept what Sam Kennedy and his group envision, they must first learn and be given good reason to hate what America has become. But, it appears that what Sam Kenndey envisions for America still has too much of 'Vatican Policy' and 'Vatican Technique' involved. So, Sam's program for America may be like pulling one foot out of the crocodile's mouth.
Remember, that the name 'Kennedy' is of Venetian Jew origin - Cainedi. And, he is likely
one or other: Knights of Columbus, Jesuit schooled, Opus Dei, or Knight of Malta. They
are trained to, and efficient in 'Taking the disobedient 'fools and cattle' down the 'Garden Path' that leads to the alligator infested swamp.'
If you check the history books, you will see that practically every one of the 'Signers of the Declaration of Independence' and most of their immediate families, suffered  great loss and premature and violent death.'  This has always been the vatican way for disidents to Vatican Policy.
Eldon Warman

March 28, 2010