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ObamaCare Outrage Reaches a Fever Pitch

Steve Elliott Grassfire Nation

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            ObamaCare is spreading like a wildfire. In

            fact, grassroots outrage has grown so intense

            it has impacted and slowed our servers.

            To give everyone an opportunity to submit

            their PROTEST, we've extended our deadline

            for hand-delivery to members of Congress

            to noon on Monday (March 29).

            THIS IS A FREE DELIVERY to YOUR lawmakers

            but you must respond no later than NOON on

            MONDAY (March 29).

            Schedule your CITIZEN PROTEST by clicking here:

Against the will of the American people, President Obama and his cohorts rammed through socialized health care that will increase - not cut our medical costs, compromise and cut health care services, lead to a single-payer system, force Americans to fund abortions and ultimately bankrupt our nation!

With the liberal media now hailing Nancy Pelosi as one of the most powerful women in American history, Democrats are basking in their victory - expecting us to quit.

 I know you love your country as much as I do, so I fully expect you to remain passionate in the fight to wrestle our nation free from the clutches of this progressive liberal agenda that is threatening us all.

That's why Grassfire Nation launched our national CITIZEN PROTEST to give outraged and frustrated citizens an unprecedented opportunity to sound off DIRECTLY TO THEIR LAWMAKERS - putting them on notice and holding them Response has been nothing short of blistering.

But that intensity has slowed our servers, and I fear some may not have had an opportunity to schedule their CITIZEN PROTEST by the original deadline. That's why I've asked my staff to extend the deadline to noon, March 29.

If you haven't yet scheduled your CITIZEN PROTEST, do so now by clicking here:

You've stood with us in this intense ObamaCare battle, so I want to make certain your CITIZEN PROTEST is HAND-DELIVERED to your two Senators and Representative next week.

Remember, there is no charge for this!

I merely want to thank you for your incredible support over these last months, and to encourage you to stay engaged and enraged about what is happening to our nation!

Click here now:

Democrats expect us to quit. In fact, Obama arrogantly mocked members of the GOP who plan to legally challenge the health care overhaul saying, "Go for it!"

Don't let Obama's emboldened arrogance go unchallenged. Take a stand right now by clicking below, and give me the honor of representing you on Capitol Hill next

week as we deliver tens of thousands of CITIZEN PROTESTS!

Click here to schedule your CITIZEN PROTEST:

Thanks for your outstanding support.

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

P.S. After scheduling your CITIZEN PROTEST, alert your friends and family to do the same. Make sure to communicate that there is NO CHARGE for delivery to their Senators and Representative! Forward this message today and have them click below:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 2:14 PM
Subject: ObamaCare Outrage Reaches a Fever Pitch