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Our Problem is Dependance Upon Government

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You can imagine that many that might read it may almost think of this if reading a far fetched novel. The convolutions of the plans of those who would destroy America could almost make one dizzy
The Casper update #1: March 25, 2010
For as long as I can remember, most polititions callilng for reforms have never been truthful or willing to actually do what is necessary to change things at the core. And unfortunately those honestly looking at reforms haven't seen the big picture clear enough to make the right moves. Example: The FED- which has been a core problem since the 30's has been a tool for the destruction of America. Many that know this have called for the destruction of the FED, the private bank that bought the government. And most Americans being so gullible and label oriented have not known the true nature of the FED. And only recently has someone suggested what might be a better strategy, federalize the FED (take it over) and then audit the FED. This would reveal the truth. But I am not sure at this point that tactic would be enough.
The core of the problem is that the American people bought into being taken care of by the government, which Constitutionally is not within the powers of the government. We use to take care of ourselves. We even use to be proud of this value and the freedom it gave us as a people. But then 1933 and the New Deal and somehow in the depths of the Depression the American people forgot their strength and thought the government might save them. And this is a classic example of taking advantage of someone(s) when there is a time of struggle.
So the American people buy into to this not understanding that the changes that took place didn't realize that contract law was at play. And most Americans don't realize the nature of contract law, that if you recieve benefit then the law is valid at least with the powers that be.
This to me is in the core that needs cleansing so that America can continue to exist. Our forefathers warned us of this and it seems we did not llisten.
Love and light,
----- Original Message -----
From: Thunder
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 7:20 PM
Subject: As I read