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Riders on the Storm

Chuck Norris

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The majority of Americans have voiced ad nauseam their grave concerns with and rejection of Washington's health care bills. Like a host of other commentators, I have written at least a dozen syndicated articles this past year addressing sound objections. And like you, I've joined rallies, signed petitions and passed along a plethora of reasonable nonpartisan negative critiques of Obamacare. But at every turn, Washington has ignored us and demonized our opposition.

Obamacare violates commerce laws by forcing Americans to purchase a product and annihilates the federal government's 10th Amendment restrictions over U.S. states and citizens, which is why a whopping two-thirds of states across the nation already are legally battling over whether federal law can trump state laws via Obamacare.

Why can't Washington see that the main problem with Obamacare is not its costs, coverage or faulty projected savings, but that the federal government should not be involved in the health care business at all?! According to the Constitution, such a matter should be left to the free market, citizens, local communities and states.

But that's history now. One-sixth of our economy will be controlled by the federal government, and we're supposed to blindly accept that's not a socialistic tendency. The fact is that despite the Congressional Budget Office's projected savings, Obamacare will morph and inflate (along with its costs) in the years to come. Has any government program not done so? As President Barack Obama admitted to Fox's Bret Baier last week, "Yes, it's one-sixth of the economy, but we're not transforming one-sixth of the economy all in one fell swoop." There are the key words: "all in one fell swoop."

Mark my words: The terms in this health care bill eventually will be so far-reaching that it will become a major foundation for a fundamentally different America, from which will sprout many tentacles that will choke out other freedoms. This is not just a health care bill; it's a metastasizing tool and weapon for all forms of federal intrusion and takeover. In areas that the feds can't cover or control presently, absence and subtlety in the bill's language will provide the springboard for their future rule.

But the time for commentary and dialogue is over. The final hour has come. Our Constitution is on life support, and the federal government is pulling the plug.

As there is before an impending death or brewing storm, there's a hush at the moment, but most of us sense that there's something very, very wrong on the horizon.

It reminds me of a few years ago, when Dr. James Foster from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center tackled the question of whether there really is a period of calm before a storm. His answer: There definitely is.

Foster noted, "It was recognized long ago that before a severe storm, the air is still and the birds stop singing and go to shelter."

What's true with weather is also true with Washington. Many patriots have stopped singing. Some have gone into hiding. Others are gathering wood as we trudge through this Valley Forge. But all will reawaken and fight for the republic our Founders laid down for us.

The gray and black clouds are not governmental control, but masses of American citizens and patriots who will continue to swarm tyranny (Democrat and Republican) until it is squeezed out of our nation, just as it was during the American Revolution.

For now, all Washington bureaucrats need to know is this: The forecast for the U.S. Capitol in the upcoming weeks and months is definitely thunderstorms. If you encouraged, affirmed, endorsed or voted for Obamacare in any form, expect a dark cloud to precede your exit as we vote you out of office. We will remember in November. That's not only a threat; it's a guarantee.

We the people have come to understand the profound wisdom of Thomas Jefferson, who wrote to Abigail Adams in 1787, "I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the atmosphere."

Washington: Pack your bags. Run for shelter. The storm is coming.

Mr. Norris is a Martial arts master, actor, and concerned citizen.

March 23, 2010