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From the Desk of: David Martin, Executive Vice President

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The liberal leaders in Congress are jumping for joy right now, and the left-wing media are cheering them on!

Congress passed socialized health care over the weekend, and the so-called “news media rightfully deserve some of the credit (or blame) for it. For over a year now, the media have acted as cheerleaders for ObamaCare, while ignoring any facts that might undermine it.

They are ignoring the fact that the health care takeover represents a dramatic and unprecedented assault on our individual liberty that grossly expands the reach and power of the federal government.

They are ignoring the fact that by creating this massive multi-trillion dollar entitlement program, the government will trap even more Americans in an ever-deepening cycle of dependency.

The Media Research Centers own isnt ignoring the facts about how this government takeover scheme will affect you, your family and the generations that follow you. In fact, since the beginning of the health care debate, has been at the center of the storm digging for the real truth and challenging the tenets of the bill while the liberal media ignored or misled the public.

For the complete analysis of Sunday nights vote and how it stands to impact you, click here.


+ +“You Saw the Constitution Burned By Democrats Tonight”

With liberal media outlets heaping praise on President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other chief architects of the government health care takeover, over on Fox News, the commentary was far more reflective of how the majority of Americans view this. Speaking to Fox News Geraldo Rivera, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay condemned the actions of the House saying, “Not only did they not listen to the American people, they shredded and trashed the Constitution and then stood there on the floor of the House and lied to the American people.”

To read the full NewsBusters post, click here.

This whole situation offers frightening insight into where we are headed as a nation. When the Left looks at the American people as obstacles to overcome and rams through a socialized health care plan that will take over one-sixth of the U.S. economy despite growing protest and opposition it is obvious that we have lost our way as a nation.

Thats why last month, MRC founder Brent Bozell joined with more than 80 conservative leaders from around the nation to sign his name to the historic Mount Vernon Statement, reaffirming his commitment to the Constitution and a return to our founding principles that have so obviously been cast aside.


In light of what happened over this past weekend, the only chance of survival we have as a nation is for the American people to overwhelmingly return to and embrace these principles and ideals with renewed passion and commitment.

The MRC is urging all members of our team to stand in solidarity with conservative leaders and the tens of thousands of patriots who have already committed to defending our liberty and Constitution by adding their names to The Mount Vernon Statement.

To read and sign The Mount Vernon Statement click here.

As always, thank you for standing with the MRC in the work that we are doing.

David Martin

P.S. Help us educate the public by forwarding this important update to 20-25 friends and help spread the word about the work the MRC is doing to protect and preserve our liberty. Urge your friends to click here to read and sign The Mount Vernon Statement.

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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 2:54 PM
Subject: ObamaCare: "They shredded and trashed the Constitution"