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Considerations For Obama's Presidency

E.G. Warman

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The readers of Fourwinds10 are looking for cosmic truth at this troubled time in America.
I will offer my inner feelings about the current situation in America.  Most Americans are expressing patriotic love for what America has been for the last 200  years or so, and do not realize that what they cherish in their minds is what the deceivers have  imposed upon America in the form of  State of the very evil Holy Roman Empire, rather than an  independent country that is bound by the desire to establish true rights, freedoms and dignity to the individual American, which I understand was in the mind of a few of the Founding Fathers in their overthrow of the British Monarchy system.
The corporate UNITED STATES, the citizenship ideas, the military flag, the establishment of a foreign city/state to rule America, a national anthem that idealizes military plunder, the allegiances to corporate States and national boundaries, the idealization of those who monopolize industries,etc. etc. are all part of the fictitious and dark structure that must go if there is truly a plan to bring Planet Earth and America into the Age of Light and Life. 
To get the America people 'aimed in the right direction', the whole dark structure and the desire to plunder and kill other people on this Planet must become an anathema  in the minds of the American people. 
I'm not sure if you accept Mark Huber as a true prophet, but he says that Obama has to wear the 'black hat' to bring about that widespread anathema of what people have been so brainwashed to believe about what constitutes their America. He also says that Obama has a 'white hat' in his closetto don when the timing is right.  He says that the 'health bill' is a very temporary thing designed toscrub the false ideals from the American people - at least that is how I read Mark Huber's view.The announcement and landing of the ETs, the 'Host of Heaven', which have been present inour Universe local for many years will, among other things, bring great enlightenment in the realms of health care and maintenance.  
As people rant so vociferously regarding Mao Tse Tung's rule of China, he accomplished miraclesin transforming China from a very backward and defeated people into a modern and advancedsociety in a matter of years, results that may have taken centuries otherwise to accomplish. Russia, too can be seen from that perspective, as the Slavic people and myriad of other ethnic people within Russia would never have accomplished a 'fast track' to be prepared for a world of 'light and life' in the time frame mandated by Mother Earth scheduled move into 5th Dimension.
By the negative blogs against Obama, you, and others may actually be helping the American peopleunderstand that there is something definitely wrong with the present America, but it would be nice to see some articles that reveals the overall plan to those who don't need the 'mind flushing' that is currently under way. Those who need the 'flushing' will not understand such messages anyway, and it would certainlybe beneficial to the 'light workers' who are now present on Planet Earth as an encouragement  to 'keep on keeping on'.
Eldon Warman  Calgary

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 4:47 PM
Subject: Considerations For Obama's Presidency