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Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

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            I was sickened by what I saw take place in the

            House last night. This is a dark day for liberty

            and our Constitution. That's why I am submitting

            my own CITIZEN PROTEST against ObamaCare, and

            I want to send yours as well. See below. --Steve

With last night's House vote approving the government takeover of health care, a new era of Obama-led big government intrusion has begun.

President Obama arrogantly stated, "This is what change looks like." And today I'm sure Nancy Pelosi and her cheering cohorts are likely feeling a surge of confidence that I believe will lead to an even greater assault on our liberties in the very near future.

Meanwhile, I know millions of Americans are saying to themselves, "What can I do to stop this radical change?"

Simply put, we can fight back. As patriots who love our country, we must begin an immediate and firm PATRIOTIC PROTEST of these socialist efforts while supporting legal and legislative initiatives that seek to repeal ObamaCare...

And it must start right now, today.

+ + Citizen Protest Against ObamaCare

Grassfire Nation is launching a massive Citizen Protest --  putting all who voted for ObamaCare on notice for their egregious actions against the American people.

As a complimentary service, we will HAND-DELIVER your personal CITIZEN PROTEST message to your two South Dakota Senators and Representative.

            There is no cost to you to have your CITIZEN PROTEST

            against ObamaCare hand-delivered to your Congressmen.

            Go here to schedule and customize your protest message:

+ + NOON Thursday Deadline for first Hand-Delivery

Because we want to get these CITIZEN PROTESTS to Congress right away, the cutoff for the first hand-delivery is NOON Thursday.

Even if your lawmakers opposed ObamaCare, they need to hear your outrage and be emboldened to use their power and influence to reverse what has been done to our nation,

its people and the generations that will follow.

Take a moment to express yourself -- with your own words, your emotions, and we'll put them into the hands of your lawmakers beginning on Thursday.

Be sure you are part of this first important protest delivery by clicking here:

By taking action with other outraged citizens today, we can flood Capitol Hill in gigantic waves of written PROTEST --  with each letter being hand-delivered!

We cannot allow the events of last night or the actions of this rogue Congress to reshape our nation into a socialist state. As patriots, we are compelled to fight for our nation, for liberty...

That fight begins today.

Take a moment right now to schedule your free protest message to your three South Dakota lawmakers by clicking below:

Thank you in advance for standing for your liberties and our Constitution at this crucial time in our nation's history.

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

P.S. To be included in Thursday's first wave of protest, I must hear from you right now. After scheduling your protest message, please forward this message to 30-40 friends urging them to take action by clicking below:


+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

+ + Comments? Questions?

+ +

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 4:09 PM
Subject: Express your personal outrage over ObamaCare passage