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That was the message that rang out from a giant crowd of 30,000 - 50,000 tea party activists who gathered in Washington, D.C. on Saturday for a last-minute protest against Congress's efforts to pass the Obama-Pelosi-Reid government-run healthcare plan.

Here's just a few pictures from the massive gathering. Realize that this rally was literally put together in 2-days time by a coalition of dozens upon dozens of local and national tea party organizations including the Tea Party Express:

We're going to watch and see what Congress does now. They've heard from the American people. The polls show the public opposes this attempt to have the government take over our nation's healthcare system. The phones have been tied up with people calling in to oppose the bill. Emails and letters and FAXes opposing the bill number well into the millions.

And we have gathered in front of the Capitol - the People's Capitol - several times now to make our message heard.

If they defy the American people, defy our Constitution, and push this bill through, then we will make sure they lose their seats in Congress. That is exactly what the "Tea Party Express III: Just Vote Them Out" national tour and the "Showdown in Searchlight" are all about.

Members of Congress: Should you choose to defy your boss - which is "We The People" - then expect that as a consequence you will be fired.

UPDATE: Kathryn Jean Lopez has some great crowd shots over at National Review - The Corner.

*Special thanks to Amy Kremer, Jennifer Hulsey and the team for helping make this effort so tremendously successful.

March20, 2010