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 It was just last year that the Obama regime was illegally and unconstitutionally demanding that all Americans get one or more of their tainted-vaccine flu shots, and threatened us with fines and imprisonment if we refused.  Remember?
  It was only through our VOLUNTARY NON-COMPLIANCE, individually and as a nation, that won the battle against this evil puppet regime.  Tens of millions, perhaps hundreds of millions, of Americans called their bluff and said, "NO WAY, JOSE!, you have no right to force vaccines on us."  And what happened?  Nothing.  Obama backed down on his threats.  No one, to my knowledge, was ever fined or imprisoned for not getting a flu shot.  Perhaps this was Obama's big idea for Hope and Change.  We must never forget that we were all threatened with fines and imprisonment by the would-be dictator if we did not comply.        
Now, we-the-American-people are facing a very similar test.  Obama, Pelosi, and Reid,, are at it again, pushing our buttons, suggesting that they use illegal and unconstitutional shenanigans, such as the "Slaughter Rule", to get their flawed, socialized health care bill into law because they haven't the support necessary to pass it LEGALLY and CONSTITUTIONALLY.  Written into the bill are the same illegal and unconstitutional threats of fines and imprisonment if we refuse to comply as they used with their FAKE SWINE FLU PANDEMIC.  Rep. Michelle Bachman has quite eloquently pointed out in the video below that if they do this, the law would be illegal; it would be a "non-law", and it is our responsibility to VOLUNTARILY NOT COMPLY with this "non-law".  And so history comes very close to repeating itself as the criminals in D.C. repeat their illegal, unconstitutional actions.  It is up to we-the-American-people to stop them, again, through VOLUNTARY NON-COMPLIANCE if necessary.  Thank you Rep. Bachman for showing us a way through this Obama-Night Mare on Capitol Street, AKA. ObamaCare.  
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Video: Is Michelle Bachman Advocating Civil Disobedience In Response To Obama Care?


March 16, 2010

Using a 30 minute video of her speech from yesterday, TPM suggests Rep. Michelle Bachman is advocating civil disobedience in opposition to Obama Care. Below, I've edited it down to the pertinent few minutes that begins 20 minutes into the full speech. While she is saying that Americans should not feel compelled to comply with Obama Care if passed via an un-Constitutional manner, using the so-called Slaughter Solution, she also states that, if passed legitimately, it would be the law of the land until repealed.

Mark Levin was the first to call for Slaughter's removal should she even make such a ruling, which I believe she now has. Heritage has also pointed out its obvious Constitutional failings. Blogs such as RedState and BlogProf weighed in - several out-links via Instapundit here and David Kopel with over 300 comments at Volokh here.

It's unclear whether or not Obama and his Democrats want to provoke a Constitutional crisis that could make Watergate look more like a misdemeanor, than a high crime. Personally, I can't see myself bending to what would be, in effect, a non-law. The word to attempt a takeover of such a significant portion of the economy and American life through un-Constitutional means is tyranny, not law.

If they try it, it could easily mark the end of Obama and most likely the Democrats as a significant political force in America for years - possibly decades. We should hope that there are still some sane and sensible heads remaining on that side of the aisle in DC. Frankly, at this point, I'm not convinced such a thing exists over there in any numbers, if at all. I sincerely hope that it does and that the Slaughter Solution is simply some form of a bluff. If it isn't, Obama will likely find out that a great number of American citizens aren't bluffing, either.

It would be an extremely foolish and even dangerous play he can't hope to win. But perhaps he thinks he can. Who really knows what this arrogant, incompetent neophyte in the White House believes anymore?





Rocky Montana