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Rocky Montana

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   Dear Congress person:
I’m faxing you today to express my outrage both for the current healthcare plan (Senate bill 3590) on the table and plans of using the reconciliation process to pass it through the House.  Any such bill will be devastating to our freedoms, our economy, and our families.  Americans reject any socialized plan that takes away my right to choose their own health care and dramatically increases the reach and size of the federal government.  The American people want less government—not more!
As a free man. living in America, a free nation, I am calling on you to vote against S.B. 3590 or any other form of ObamaCare that includes forced purchase of Government healthcare!  I am outraged that Congress would even consider a bill that would mandate that I purchase healthcare from the Federal Government or face imprisonment and thousands of dollars in fines!  SHAME ON YOU!   You and your fellow Democrats, who support this bill, are working directly against the will of the American people who voted for you.  You have betrayed our trust in you!   IF YOU VOTE FOR THIS BILL, YOU WILL BE CONSIDERED UNFIT TO SERVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND WE-THE-AMERICAN-PEOPLE WILL VOTE YOU OUT OF OFFICE, AND SEE TO IT THAT YOU ARE NEVER AGAIN ELECTED TO ANOTHER FEDERAL POSITION.   
As a pro-life citizen, a champion for the all life, including the defenseless unborn children of God,  I am calling on you to vote against any form of ObamaCare that includes a taxpayer-funded abortion mandate.  I am outraged that my tax dollars would be used for a murderous act to which I am adamantly opposed!  In addition, I strongly oppose the so-called "public option."
The "Slaughter House Rule:  Make no mistake, what Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the architects of ObamaCare are trying to get away with by using the "Slaughter House Rule", is blatantly unconstitutional!  If you use this unconstitutional and deceptive practice to pass S.B. 3590, we-the-American-people WILL NOT ACCEPT IT!  What's more, we will tie this bill up in the courts forever if necessary!  Furthermore, we know that all House Republicans are against this bill, and therefore, WE-THE-AMERICAN-PEOPLE WILL VOTE EVERY HOUSE DEMOCRAT OUT OF OFFICE, AND SEE TO IT THAT NONE OF YOU ARE EVER AGAIN ELECTED TO ANOTHER FEDERAL POSITION!  
U.S. Constitutional Law dictates that any and all bills require a MAJORITY IN BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS before they can be sent to the President!  NOTHING ELSE will be accepted by we-the-American-people! 
Listen to the voice of middle-class Americans who voted for you and are being force-fed a plan they don’t want.  Stand up and champion our desires!
(Your name)