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Reports from Capitol Hill continue to indicate that the liberal House leadership still lacks the necessary 216 votes needed to pass Obamacare through the House, which means that your thousands of calls, emails, letters, rallies, and candlelight vigils outside district offices are working!  
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has consistently said that she plans to bring the Obamacare bill up for consideration on the House floor as early as Thursday of this week and that she will not send Members of Congress home to their districts for the Easter Recess until they vote on this bill.  House leaders have also said that they have no interest in appeasing the abortion concerns of pro-life Democrat Bart Stupak (D-MI), which means that the Obamacare bill will remain an abortion bill and that Nancy Pelosi will be looking for her "yes" votes among other target Democrats.
As you may have heard, House Rules Committee Chairwoman Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) has devised a stealth scheme to trick the American people and pass the Obamacare bill without having the House vote directly on it.  Rather than bringing the Senate health care bill up for a vote on the House floor, Rep. Slaughter plans to adopt a rule that will simply "deem" the Senate bill passed upon voting on the "fixer" reconciliation health care bill, whose text was just released late last night and is a whopping 2,309 pages!  When you combine this new reconciliation bill with the original Senate health care bill, it totals well over 4,000 pages!  On page 1557, the Comparative Effectiveness Center is reiterated.  Remember, "comparative effectiveness" is the bureaucratic system set up to carry out the rationing of health care services and medical treatments in the name of reducing or containing costs.  Tell your representative that this reconciliation bill doesn't fix anything, and it is nothing more than a ploy to entice wavering House Democrats.
Please urge the following wavering Members of Congress to be American heroes and help prevent the socialization of our health care industry by voting NO on the bill that goes to the House floor this week:
Previous YES votes that we need to become NO votes
  • Kirkpatrick (AZ)         
  • Sutton (OH)               
  • Mollohan (WV)          
  • Rahall (WV)               
  • Berry (AR)                 
  • Pomeroy (ND)           
  • Snyder (AR)              
Previous NO votes that we need to maintain as a NO vote
  • Adler (NJ)                  
  • Baird (WA)                
  • Gordon (TN)              
  • Tanner (TN)               
  • Altmire (PA)              
  • Kosmas (FL)              
  • Markey (CO)              
  • Boccieri (OH)            
  • Matheson (UT)          
  • Ross (AR)                  
12 Pro-Life Members who supported the pro-life Stupak Amendment but voted for Obamacare in 2009
These Members of Congress really need to feel the heat from the American people so they know that a vote in favor of Obamcare will cost them their jobs in 2010!
Your phone calls have been doing the trick - so don't give up now!  There are only a few days left before Nancy Pelosi will maneuver to vote on the reconciliation bill, so there is no time to waste!  Call the target representatives at both their district and Capitol Hill offices today! 
And last but certainly not least, please take a few minutes before or after you make your phone calls to pray for God's divine intervention on the House floor this week and for the future of our nation.
Capitol Switchboard:  202-224-3121
Further Reading:
Don't Forget About Obamacare's Marriage Penalty!
Please vote NO on the Obamacare bill when it comes to the House floor for a vote this week!
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I oppose the Senate health care bill in its entirety.
Article I, Section 7 specifically states that "every bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States."
I oppose the Slaughter rule which would skip a direct vote on the Senate health care bill and simply "deem" it to be passed. It is unconstitutional and as a Member of Congress who took an oath to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution, you should oppose this stealth tactic, too!
I expect you to oppose and vote NO on any rule that disallows a direct up-or-down floor vote on the Senate health care bill.
Please be an American hero and save our country from another government-takeover of yet another private industry by voting NO on the Obamacare package.
I will be praying for you this week.
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