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Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

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  The House is getting ready for a Saturday vote.  Rep. Pence is calling this a "five-alarm fire."  We need everyone to get to the ObamaCare "fire."

Things have gotten so bad on Capitol Hill that Nancy Pelosi is now brazenly supporting using the "Slaughter Solution" that will allow Democrats in the House to pass ObamaCare WITHOUT EVEN CASTING A VOTE on the Senate bill.

Here's what Pelosi told a group of liberal bloggers: "I like [the Slaughter rule]... because people don't have to vote on the Senate bill."

Let's be clear -- this is blatantly unconstitutional, and it is the latest in a long line of deceptive, manipulative and corrupt means being used to force passage of ObamaCare.

What Pelosi is threatening has never been done before -- not with any major piece of legislation and certainly not with one that will control one-sixth of the economy.

+ + Final countdown to vote

We are nearing the final countdown to the House taking action on ObamaCare. The 72-hour countdown clock will start as soon as the CBO estimates are released and the bill is posted.

            The next 24-48 hours are crucial as final

            decisions will be made on what tactics will

            be used -- including the "Slaughter Solution."

Today, Grassfire Nation will begin hand-delivering petitions to each and every House office. With petitions, faxes and phone calls, citizens across Grassfire Nation can make hundreds of thousands of contacts with Congress in these final hours before the vote.

+ + Three key actions

It is vitally important that every Representative and every Senator hear from their constituents right now. Here are three ways you can expand your voice...

Action #1 -- Send faxes right now

Our records show that this month you have not yet scheduled faxes using Grassfire Nation's FaxFire system.

            It is important that members of Congress hear

            from as many different constituents as possible.

            If you want to use this service to get a message

            to your members of Congress and other key

            Congressmen, go here to schedule faxes:

(As always, we provide all the information for you to send your own faxes if you prefer. Just click the above link.)

Action #2 -- Call your Representative

The first key votes will take place in the House -- either on the Senate bill or on the Slaughter Rule/Reconciliation bill.

Call if you want them to hear your position on this issue:

For more detailed contact information on your Rep, go here:

Talking Points:

1. I oppose any attempt to avoid a direct vote in the House

   on the Senate ObamaCare bill, such as the "Slaughter

   Solution" self-extracting rule.

2. Congress should NOT pass any version of the current

   ObamaCare bill and should start over with market-based,

   cost-saving solutions.

3. I also oppose the abuse of the "reconciliation" rules

   to ram ObamaCare through Congress.

Action #3 -- Forward this to your friends

Ask everyone you know to do something today to let their voice be heard. Forward this message to as many people as you can.


Be sure to go to ResistNet to network with other grassroots conservatives and take part in protests and rallies that are developing right now:

Thanks for the stand you are taking.

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

P.S. As I noted, your petition will be HAND-DELIVERED in the next few days. If you want to do even more to have a voice in this debate, please make phone calls and send faxes. What Pelosi is trying to do is an unprecedented abuse of power. It deserves an unprecedented response. Go here to send faxes:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

+ + Comments? Questions?

+ +

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 10:50 AM
Subject: Final countdown to ObamaCare vote