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ALERT: ObamaCare vote Thursday; final vote by weekend

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Today, March 15,  the House starts the final push to pass ObamaCare by launching the "reconciliation" bill with House Budget Committee "Mark Up".

This is just a bogus "shell" bill that will be replaced later in the week (the latest procedural trick employed to ram this bill forward).

            Nonetheless, the New York Times is reporting

            that the House could vote on the Senate bill

            as soon as Thursday. Both the original Senate

            bill and the "reconciliation" bill could both

            be passed and signed into law before the end

            of the weekend.

Of course, Obama and Pelosi are trying to create an air of inevitability, but there are many conflicting reports as to whether they have the votes to pass ObamaCare even using the reconciliation trickery.

EVERY DAY THIS WEEK IS CRUCIAL -- especially with groups like ramping up the pressure on members of the House and Senate.

+ + Three key actions

It is vitally important that every Representative and every Senator hear from their constituents right now. Here are three ways you can expand your voice...

#1 -- Send faxes right now

Our records show that this month you have not yet scheduled faxes using Grassfire Nation's FaxFire system.

            If you want to use this service to get a

            message to your members of Congress and other

            key Congressmen, go here to schedule faxes:

(As always, we provide all the information for you to send

your own faxes if you prefer. Just click the above link.)

#2 -- Call your Senators and Representative

Your two Senators and your Representative WILL VOTE this week on ObamaCare. Your Rep will vote at least twice -- Senators will vote only on the "reconciliation" bill.

Call if you want them to hear your position on this issue:

#3 -- Alert your friends

We will be delivering your petition to Congress this week

opposing both ObamaCare and the use of budget "reconciliation"

to ram this bill through.

Please forward this link to your friends and invite them to have their petitions delivered as well:


Be sure to go to ResistNet to network with other grassroots  conservatives and take part in protests and rallies that are developing right now:

Thanks for the stand you are taking.

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

To send faxes:


Best links for the latest news on ObamaCare:

American Spectator: Health Care "shell" game

Rep. Paul Ryan Op Ed (Washington Post)

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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+ +

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From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 5:07 PM
Subject: ObamaCare vote Thursday; final vote by weekend